Saturday, March 26, 2022

"Stuff it, Joe!"

DeSantis Tells Biden To Stuff It: He ‘Was Warned’ About Inflation

"The US is trapped in another Biden crisis and the left is out scrambling for a scapegoat. If you’re looking for that cause of the current inflation, look no further than the White House. Democrats’ insane spending and Biden’s poor planning and refusal to choose American has run us all in the red.

While speaking at a news conference, Florida Govenor Ron DeSantis didn’t give Biden a pass and slammed the Democrat because he ‘was warned’ this would happen. DeSantis responded to a question about inflation and how it relates to pandemic mandates in housing.

Read what our Governor said

Biden not choosing to choose American during a massive fuel cost increase should be reason enough to vote the sucker out but it goes so far beyond the pain at the pump."

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