Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Democrats Are Trying To Take Out Clarence Thomas

Progressives are anything but decent people

Never forget that for progressives, everything is political. From waking up in the morning to ending their day by pulling wings from flies, everything in between was a day of politicizing everything they came across because they can’t help themselves. They are in a constant state of wanting more power over you and no argument goes without an exploitation.

Liberals said “never let a good crisis go to waste.” Well, progressives live by the standard never let a good exploitation go to waste. It’s just who they are, and it makes wiser people wonder how they can live their lives that way.

Case in point. Progressives are ranting and fuming at Ginny Thomas over texts she sent to Trump’s then White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that were recently released. It quickly became the shiny object of exploitation for them.


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