Thursday, March 31, 2022

Putin's Plans?

The narrowest distance between mainland Russia and mainland Alaska is approximately 55 miles. Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867 for $7.2million.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Invading Alaska would make total sense and would put Biden in a position of having to decide whether to go to war or letting Putin have his way. Putin is masterful in his planning so when Russians march into Juneau, Biden will look so weak. There is no way that Democrats would have a chance in 2024 if Russia took Alaska because the next step would be Washington. And we know what that means: less Dems and an end to Seattle. Let's cross our fingers.

Lynn Anderson said...


Anonymous said...


Are you insane?

All you can think about is what happens to Biden and the Democrats in the elections if Putin moves to take Alaska.

You're missing something very important:

If Putin invades Alaska, Russia would have invaded the United States.

The perceptions of Democrats, or their prospects in the election cycles if this happens is the LAST thing you should be thinking about.

Wake up and get your head out of your butt.

Anonymous said...

First of all, he was kidding.

Secondly, maybe it would wake us up. I doubt it however, we're too far gone.