Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Accessory Dwelling Units

Not in my back yard! Lake Worth Beach’s ‘granny flats’ battle reaches boiling point

I don't know why they insist on calling these units "granny flats" other than to give an endearing feel to the accessory dwelling units that will be horrible for our city. Just about everyone, other than dear old granny, will be living in them.

Read the latest update...

This was seen this morning dumped on our major road in Lake Worth, Lake Avenue. And this is what all residential streets could/will look like if ADU's are allowed in residential neighborhoods.


Anonymous said...

Coming to the ADU next door to you. Granny cottages my ass. Parts of our city are already coded for these messes. Single family neighborhoods don't want this coming to us. Where are OUR RIGHTS as home owners???? Think pimps,Hos ,drug houses and worse.Code can't handle the slum and blight we have. Neighbors with problems will have have NO recourse. They are ignored by code and the city as it is.Commissioners Hardy and Robinson are not watching out for the people of Lake Worth Beach.This will be remembered.

Anonymous said...

Hope they all get canned when election time rolls around! The elected have destroyed this city.

Anonymous said...

do you want concrete trucks and supply trucks going thru your ally.if im not mistaken that is one reason the city stoped picking up vegetation in allys.afraid the heavy trucks were going to damage the water and sewer lines.omari you will not get my vote

Anonymous said...

Go back to where you came from if you don't like ADUs.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:01--that makes a lot of sense. You want to allow them all over the city? Let's not screw up our neighborhoods any more than they already are.

Anonymous said...

1.01 I am where I came from so bite me

Anonymous said...

It's obvious from this post that cockroaches can now respond to blogs in their own language.