Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ilhan Omar - Clueless and an Insult to our Country

Ilhan Omar Says She Loves America More Than Natural Born Citizens

They say there is a fine line between love and hate but Omar is 100% confused. She HATES America and she hates Israel...she is, after all,  a Muslim. "Suffice it to say, Omar doesn’t love this country more than American-born citizens. She doesn’t love this country, period."
  • She dismissed the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something” on that day.
  • Claimed American foreign policy needs the “perspective of a foreigner.”
  • Said living life in America “is an everyday assault.”
  • Doesn’t want white Americans to live in this country.
  • "The culture of intolerance spread by President Donald Trump has clearly emboldened racist individuals to acts of violence.”
Read more about Omar... but it's not worth your time.


Anonymous said...

Ilhan Omar is a subversive. A rabble rouser, with no place to go but down. How far does freedom of speech go. Is there nothing she can say or do to cause her ouster from her congressional seat? She should be stripped of her Citizenship and expelled from the Country. She's like Winnie Mandela with a headscarf!

Anonymous said...

Omar is incestuous and criminal.