Now we have Democrats complaining that Hillary really won the election because she won the popular vote.
After reading the article at Sunshine State News as well as the fact that the Founding Fathers wrote it into our constitution, I have to agree that the Electoral College is the way to go.
Sunshine State News: TV networks are reporting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has won the popular vote, while President-elect Donald Trump won the electoral college, thus claiming the White House.
At 8 a.m. EST Wednesday, the Associated Press showed Clinton with 59.16 million votes nationally, compared to Trump's 59 million votes with tallies still coming in.
Should the Electoral College be abolished and the president of the United States be elected by simple popular vote?
those who have voted so far say:
The people elected Hillary, the system elected Donald.
Well, thank God we are protected by our Constitution!
Now we can
protect our borders
protect our security
implement another healthcare plan quickly by repealing Obamcare
Lower taxes especially for corporations
keep jobs in America
create jobs
see what can be done about partial birth abortion
supports fully the 2nd amendment
will aggressively go after ISIS
he will know who our enemies are
renegotiate foreign trade deals
will propose an amendment for term limits in order to end the culture of corruption in Washington
will instigate a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments
give ICE the authority to do its job
If it weren't for the electoral college, only people living in large states like California and Florida would have their votes count. And that would mean that the politicians would only care about those places. The rest of the country that "didn't count" would be left to rot. Like here in Lake Worth.
The argument that "only people living in large cities would decide elections" is nonsense. She won by a few hundred K votes here...not exactly compelling evidence that without the Electoral College, the cities would dominate the popular vote now is it?
In any event, the Founders also put an entire Article into the Constitution detailing how to amend it, if need be. They literally did amend the Constitution in reference to the Electoral College immediately in fact (1804 I believe) after it showed a flaw. It has demonstrated another flaw twice in the past 5 Presidential elections. 1 man, 1 vote doesn't really mean much (a tenant of Democracy) if the person with the most votes does not win the election.
Full disclosure: I did vote Clinton. But this is a measured response to your comments above, so try to response (if you feel the need) with some respectful discourse.
I think that person said large states, not cities.
You don't believe that states like California, New York, Texas, Florida or any larger populated state could control an election? Why not? I believe that our Founding Fathers got it right to ensure the entire country had a more equal say in the choosing of a president. The electoral vote counts are allocated to correspond to the population and its number of representatives. Why is this not fair? You get a state like California where everyone is a liberal...Right now they concentrate on "swing states" and a lot of the country is left out of the process where states have small populations. Their votes should have meaning too and it does with the Electoral College. It helps to maintain a two-party system. It has worked for over 200 years, occasionally maligned when someone loses the electoral vote but wins the popular vote like it did in this election.
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