Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lake Worth's General Obligation Bond language

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Bond Issue Goes to LW Voters

What will the November 8, 2016 ballot actually say?
Official Ballot | City of Lake Worth, Florida | Bond Referendum Election | November 8, 2016

Bonds for Road Improvement Projects in Lake Worth:

Shall the City be authorized to issue general obligation bonds for the exclusive purpose of improving local roadways and eliminating potholes in an amount not to exceed forty million dollars, payable from annual ad valorem taxes maturing no later than thirty years from the date of each issuance and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding the maximum legal rate with all expenditures reviewed by a citizens advisory committee?

   For bonds________                           Against bonds________

75 word requirement was met. What the city also needs to do is provide a separate financial impact statement concerning the measure prepared by the Financial Impact Estimating Conference in accordance with s. 100.371(5).


Anonymous said...

It's really sad that the idiot above doesn't understand what is being done to him/her. Go into the slaughter house little piggy, and sing your happy song to Mayor Pam Triolo ,Commissioner Scott maxwell and Commissioner Andy Amoroso on the way .

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am all for the bond. This city has worse streets than most 3rd world countries.

Anonymous said...

Everybody wants the roads fixed. But When Pam Triolo. Scott Maxwell and Andy Amoroso think that all they have to do to get 40,000,000 dollars out of the people is to tell them to shut up ,bend over and take it up the azz,something is very wrong in this town.

Anonymous said...

of course you need the bond----its dangerous driving at night---my car went over big pothole--car is in shop