Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Quote of the Day - Eric Erickson

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The man [Robert Lewis Dear, the killer in Colorado at Planned Parenthood] was neither a church goer nor a pro-life activist. He was a lunatic.

But the left had its narrative. It had been searching for a moral equivalence since Paris and could not resist the fundraising opportunity to claim pro-life Christians were even a bigger threat than Muslims. After all, according to the left, if someone shoots up a Planned Parenthood facility, it is proof that all Christians are one degree away from a terrorist related rampage. But when a Muslim walks into a place screaming “Allahu Akbar,” it’s just workplace violence.

~ Eric Erickson


Anonymous said...

And there it is.

It took a while, but you finally found someone saying something about the PP shooting that fit into your narrative. Kudos for posting something about an event that rightwing extremists have virtually ignored.

However, the only way that Mr. Erickson and those extremists can escape the truth however, is to intentionally ignore truckloads of evidence that counters their distortions and pretend they don't exist. Readers like yourself will never know about the cross the suspect displayed on the exterior of his trailer. You will never know about the Confederate flag he used to fly at one of his residences that is documented in a police report. And you may never know his post arrest comments where he mentions "no more baby parts."

You can't include these facts because they would intrude on the "reality" that extremists live, bath, and fester in.

But, hey, great mention.

Lynn Anderson said...

"finally found someone"--
I don't go around searching for anything to fit MY narrative. But I can always count on you and the liberal media to come up with yours.

Sorry you don't like Mr. Erickson's message. The shooter was a lunatic as he said. Also, accounts say that Dear has no history of affiliation with the Republican Party or pro-life groups or politicians. He was not affiliated with any party and reportedly had limited interactions about politics with those who knew him. He didn't like Obama, however.

So just keep "festering" in your hatred for all things/people conservative. :) It's just you guys who are into name calling.

Anonymous said...

Two thugs murdered that preachers wife and her unborn baby for no reason and it will never be called the hate crime it is.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:15, it sucks to be you. I feel sorry for you. Look,you're not stupid. You know what's going on in the world. Your HOLY OBAMA is running around saying climate change is the worst thing the world is facing today.You know that that is absolute B.S. just like everybody else,but what can you do? Say Obama is wrong? You'd rather have your head cut off by ISIS. And if people like you keep stubbornly denying the truth,you just might get your wish.

Anonymous said...

Folks, you have a better chance of being shot, being killed in an auto accident, dying of cancer or having a heart attack than you do of having your head cut off by a terrorist, which, for the record, I would NOT prefer, contrary to the 10:03 "Anonymous"

Fortunately for the GOP, there are people like you who are easily frightened by their inflammatory rhetoric and falsehoods. They count and pray for rubes like you and you deliver every time.

As far as not taking the war on terror seriously, ask OBL what he thinks and get back to me. And there are plenty more like him, as you know.

No, the people I'm afraid of more than the guys cutting off heads are the guys fondling their guns and nodding in agreement with Donald Trump. You all probably know a few of them....

Also, "It's just you guys who are into name calling." I've always said Republicans are the most self unaware people in the world....and y'all just keep proving me right day after day.

Lynn Anderson said...

You're invited over anytime to see my Confederate Flag. LOL