Saturday, December 19, 2015

Politically Correct Highway Name Change

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Read about the BS on Dixie Highway in Riviera Beach. Another part of our history, since 1914, has been deleted and renamed along a small segment of Dixie Highway.


Anonymous said...

PC stuff has gotten out of hand. Now Louisiana is moving a bronze statute of Robert E. Lee to storage. It's like Hitler re-writing history and burning all books. I've got southern pride. That doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

"Old Dixie, officials said, paid homage to an era that glorified slavery.

The name was “symbolic of racism, symbolic of the Klan, symbolic of cross burnings, and today we are stepping up to a new day, a new era,” Riviera Beach Mayor Thomas Masters told WPTV on Thursday.

The street itself carried a painful history for some. Dora Johnson, 77, told the television station that she once witnessed a cross-burning on Old Dixie Highway."

Other "PC stuff" -

- White and black drinking fountains
- Blacks riding in the front of buses
- Black face
- Seat belts
- Not being able to smoke in restaurants
- Speed limits

It's like Hitler is controlling things, I swear.

Lynn Anderson said...

No matter what, it is STILL our history. Blacks were the first slave owners in this country. Tell that to your PC friends.
No one has anything to fear about recognizing our history, good, bad or indifferent that it might be to some people.

Anonymous said... following your logic, you feel that it would be appropriate for Germany to have streets named after Hitler or the Nazi regime? It is the history of Germany and should be memorialized for all to see. Right?

You see, most people don't like to do things that offend large groups of people. Most people find that rude, obnoxious and unfair to those people who are offended. Most people don't want to be obnoxious, rude or unfair.

That's why there are museums. So that our history is preserved and the offensive, insensitive and, what you and other Republicans call "PC stuff", can still be seen, considered and appreciated for how insensitive and offensive it was back in the day. It also allows us to see how far most of us have come since the days of being offensive, rude and insensitive and how far some of us still have to go.

Lynn Anderson said...

What I think is that people are sick of you guys making mountains out of everything and trying to erase history off the face of the map pretending that it never happened. During the Civil War, the mindset was totally different than it is today otherwise 6 mil would not have been killed in battle.
Yes, museums are fine but if you had your way, there would be a one Party system and conservatives would be relegated to museums too.
I say preserve our history as those flags and statutes aren't bothering anyone but you libs.

Anonymous said...

Obliterate history just like my ex-wife. Dont' think of her at all but I do have a Confederate flag on a stand in my living room. So what? I'm from Mississippi originally and love the deep south and its heritage. Now what do we have? People causing race riots for not getting enough food stamps from Obama.

Anonymous said...

Bullets will fly on that patch of Dixie hwy anyway.

Anonymous said...

"What I think is that people are sick of you guys making mountains out of everything..."

Kinda like "Merry Christmas" and/or "Happy Holidays" you mean? Or maybe birth certificates? Or perhaps tan suits?

There's a lot of things you can accuse Democrats of doing but "making mountains out of everything" is something that Republicans are very, very adept at. 'Nuff said there.

And most Democrats & Republicans recognize the value of the multi-party form of government that we have and wouldn't want it any other way. Radicals exist in each party, of course, but those folks, for the most part, are the minority.

Anonymous at 3:43, you might want to check who is actually receiving the most food stamps. You might be surprised. Here's some help:

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, you and I are never going to agree on anything when it comes to Obama and national issues. So, let's just try and agree on local ones, if we can.

Anonymous said...

Anony at 6:13 what you say is true. Of course there are more white people receiving welfare. There is about or close to 80% of the $322 million people white in our country. Naturally there will be more of them collecting food stamps, no? duh.