Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Chaz Stevens on a Crusade

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Get a life!

Read what the atheist is up to now.

Next, he will be challenging "In God we trust" on our currency. Several years ago, the appearance of "In God We Trust" on our money was challenged in the federal courts. The challenge was rejected by the lower federal courts, and the Supreme Court of the United States declined to review the case.


Anonymous said...

How does Mr. Stevens pay the bills?

Chaz Stevens said...

I don't... I get free everything from Mr. Obabma!

Once again Lynn, you get the story wrong... Perhaps if you could just fact check, say 3% of the time, you'd get closer to the truth.

I'm not looking at removing IGWT from the dollar bill -- as it should be, by the way.

I am looking to exercise my rights, your rights, our collective rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

I mean, isn't that why we passed it in the first place?

So that Government "ensures that interests in religious freedom are protected"?

It's not just freedom of your religion, it's allowing everyone to exercise their religious beliefs.

I don't believe in yours, yet you're allowed to ... just thinking fair is fair.

Or, maybe not, maybe this is all about the war on Christian privilege.

Lynn Anderson said...

I know that Chaz! :)
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and that 2016 will be eventful for you.

Lynn Anderson said...

P.S, It's your war on some falsely perceived idea of Christian privilege. There is no such thing in this country as Christian privilege. The difference here is that you mock my religion whereas you have no religion.