Friday, December 18, 2015

Obama made another horrendously BAD DEAL

We keep worrying about the Lake Worth City Commission compromising our city and its valuable assets but what would you say to the president of the United States allowing foreign investors to acquire land, business, ports, etc and have the right to sue us.?

(Conservative Tribune) – Once shrouded in secrecy, President Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership is now becoming public, and what we’re discovering is absolutely frightening. Apparently the deal reverses policies in place to protect national security.

Chapter 11 of the deal allows foreign investors the rights to acquire American land, businesses, ports, natural resources, infrastructure and other property.

Chapters 28 and 29 give foreign investors the ability to work around U.S. courts and sue the United States before a dispute tribunal if they feel U.S. law violated their “rights” under the deal.


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