Friday, September 18, 2015

The Political Bird

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It's got to be tough to be a brainless bird but then, they just fly around and poop. The pelican sure is STOOOOPID as The Donald would say but most birds are.

McVoy and Maier voted to raise parking at the beach, says the birdbrain!
Well, no kidding, Pelican. The Commission already had a consensus during a budget workshop to
1.  Hire 4 more lifeguards costing $142,393
2.  Hire two part-time custodians for $32,914
3.  Convert one part-time parking tech to full-time for an additional $29,925
These budgets increases were all predicated and approved based on raising parking fees at the beach. That was the only way we could pay for them.
So tell us, Mr. Birdbrain, why you think it's ok to operate at a deficit? Why didn't your bird friends take out the additional costs in the beach budget and then perhaps the entire commission would have said "no" to raising parking fees? Answer:  They want the beach to fail, at least on paper. They want to be able to tell anyone who will listen that the financial plan at the beach is FLAWED and has FAILED.  THEIR SOLUTION: increase costs to ensure failure.

McVoy and Maier voted to raise electric rates, says the Bird.
Well, no kidding, Birdy. We have had rate reductions over several years to accommodate the commission's insanity of rate parity with a billion dollar corporation, FPL. Now, in order to stay in the black for 2016, we had to initiate a small rate increase. Instead, and with a zero rate increase, we will lose $1,276,208 in 2016 according to the graph that the Finance Department gave out. But you just never know, as this is a "living document," as the city manager likes to tell us. Numbers could be different today than when they formulated the budget.
So tell us once again, bird, why is going into the hole and tapping into savings a good way to run a business? Run a city for that matter?

Birds should stay out of politics or at least know what's really going on. There were only three people on that dais who have decided to run for office again who obviously did not believe that living within our means is a prudent thing to do.  McVoy and Maier were not among them.

Folks, please remember these terrible, self-serving political decisions on election day.


Anonymous said...

I would say that birdbrain should just report the FACTS, but then we would all have to explain to birdbrain JUST WHAT A FACT WAS ! Birdbrain wouldn't recognize a FACT even if it bit him in the TAIL FEATHERS !

Anonymous said...

I would say probably "Birdbrain" ran his own business that same way
and that is why he has a FORSALE sign and an unpaved ILLEGAL parking
lot. Fly away forever "Birdbrain"

Anonymous said...

I think you are flipping the wrong BIRD but all good points non the less