Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jeff Clemens and Dave Kerner will be changing their diet next week

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Jeff Clemens and Dave Kerner are pulling a political stunt. Next week, they will live on the minimum wage.

 Read about them and how they want to raise the minimum wage.


Anonymous said...

how does jeff live on that --its not enough to buy his marijuna that we all know he loves

Anonymous said...

Wow for a whole week, try it for life!

Anonymous said...

What a slap in the face to hard working people! So the "KINGS" will stoop to peasant level for ONE WHOLE WEEK !! Golly gee! What a noble gesture!
Does anybody else get sick of Jeff Clemens stunts for Jeff Clemens? Just what has Jeff done for Lake Worth and the people that live here?
Another Tee for the Wes Blackman Proctolgy series: HI,I'M JEFF CLEMENS AND I REPRESENT JEFF CLEMENS