Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Homeless in Lake Worth

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To the Lake Worth Commission:

Even though Lake Worth has good intentions, for the most part, by making Ordinances such as  having rate parity with FPL, they don't always think them through.

Lake Worth will never get an ordinance criminalizing Homelessness, would they?  I have never heard that we get any money from the federal government but if we do, this is just another reason to keep your heads in the sand on this issue and keep you from solving it!  Click here...



Anonymous said...

this is why our city lacks classy people and people are scared of seeing so much scum

Anonymous said...

Decent people are moving out.

Anonymous said...

just like the jeffersons

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Ryan, be the knight in shining armor on the issue of the homeless!

Anonymous said...

Where is the PBSO? guess we'll have to get benches with dividers in them. People can still sit, but not pass out on them.And people ARE leaving our city! So sad and frustrating.