Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Employees, Raises and Benefits

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Three things happened yesterday--the Pope arrived in the United States, Lake Worth had its Second Public Hearing to pass the millage and the 2016 Budget of $179,420,309 and the public finally got to speak to it. Of course, it had already been decided in the First Public Hearing so very few residents were in the chamber.

The above graph's figures have changed slightly to 33.60% Controllable or $10.4 million and 66.40% Non-Controllable or $20.6 million. It's a "living document" we have been told.

I can well understand why some Lake Worth government employees are unhappy if what they claim is true--no raise in eight years.  But what we do know is, pay and benefits have become extremely costly and Unions have a lot to say as to what an employee in a specific job will make. All these employees who are unhappy with their pay should be contacting their Union Rep to understand the contract or discuss with their supervisor or the Human Resources Director who could explain it.
  • A pay raise of 4% was passed last night.
  • PEU/PMSA/IBEW employees, the 4% increase will be effective on the date of the new contracts without retro pay.
  • For all non-bargaining employees, the 4% increase will be effective on October 1, 2015
  • The mayor, Commission, and the city manager are excluded from receiving this salary increase.
High-performing workers, no matter how hard they work, cannot earn more than what the seniority system permits. The complaint from some of the employees is that good workers are leaving. Many leave and take jobs at non-union companies or get hired with a different job description in order to make more.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., recently re-introduced the Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees Act which essentially amends the National Labor Relations Act to declare that neither its prohibition against interference by an employer with employees' right to bargain collectively, nor the terms of a collective bargaining agreement entered into between employees and an employer after enactment of this Act, shall prohibit an employer from paying an employee higher wages, pay, or other compensation than the agreement provides for.

The two graphics used on this blog have slightly different figures as these were drafts prior to the budget being finally set last night. The figure is a little higher than when this was first passed out but it is given as an example of what little money we have to run our city after paying UNCONTROLLABLE COSTS. Payroll and benefits take the biggest part of the pie.


Anonymous said...

We pay,but we have no say.
When our Commissioners are receiving material pertinent to what they are going to be voting on THAT NIGHT,that SAME MORNING, THEY SHOULD NOT BE VOTING !
A BUDGET IS NOT A "LIVING DOCUMENT". The city manager must be confusing it with a "living Will" in which case, as a close friend of mine stated, call a code blue on this thing. It ain't gonna make it without some serious intervention. usual ,the fatherless tool that sits in the back of the room(thank you for not sitting up front and exposing an entire room to the sight of you), couldn't keep her mouth shut. So on behalf of everyone that doesn't want to hear your constant blubbering piglet, shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear employees are finally getting a raise as it has been 7 years but I disagree with a part of you comment Lynn as the employees who are leaving are going to Union jobs as well for up to $6 an hour more with FPL and better benefits so yes we still have a problem but it's a start. Also you mentioned that employees should talk with the Union Reps or HR Director, Please the Union Reps do not have much power to help an employee other than assist in finding other employment outside of the city and the HR Director is a joke as she is part of our problem not part of the solution. She is a puppet to the CM as is all the directors. We employees do not have support from any management and if we do they are soon eliminated. Also keep in mind that most of management is Union for job protection only and those that are not union are soon gone.

Anonymous said...

This is a complete loophole! It was put out at a departmental meeting TODAY that the employees are NOT receiving a raise OCT 1st, I say again NOT receiving a raise. All PEU/PMSA/IBEW employees which accounts for about 90% of the workforce and if we sign the “City’s Contract” with the unjust clauses which could take months to indefinitely. Also the “4% increase will be effective on the date of the new contracts without retro pay” so pretty much the city can just sit back and wait it out. It’s not like their losing anything… the employees lose again.
There telling you it’s because of Union negotiations which is partly true. The city said they will grant a 4% raise to everyone if the Union signs the “CONTRACT” stating that after this 4% no employees can receive a raise for 3 years and that the pension will remain for 30 years instead of reverting back to the previous normal pension of 20 years. Since the Union won’t sign this travesty stipulation because they want to separate the raise from all stipulations the raise is on hold. The city is trying to loophole the public into believing it’s the Unions fault the raise isn't happening but the Union won’t sign an unfair contract just for a measly 4% and hurt the employee’s future! This is the truth. Please believe me. I am an employee this is what's going on. =(

Anonymous said...

Key words people, "without retro pay," which means until either the Union signs the horrible contract or not no one receives raises. Even if it takes 6 or 7 months whose losing? Not the City because they don't have to pay retro to the employees! I don't understand how the City can spout lies and spread deceitfulness in an open forum in commission meetings and such? No wonder everyone is leaving the city.. Just a few days ago we lost the ENTIRE GIS DEPARTMENT, They all resigned!!! And look at Utilities.. Their leaving as well and were down to bare bone disgruntled staff in the Vehicle Service Department. The Morale' here is getting worse and worse.

I would say, when will they learn that the employees can make or break a city or any job in the workforce but then again the "Decision Makers" blatantly don't care as long as their banking off the public’s money in their paychecks. Bornstein you are a JOKE and believe me when I say ALL THE EMPLOYEES wish you would RESIGN & Take your buddies in the commission and Department Heads with you. The City NEEDS a clean Slate and people that Lead By Example.

Anonymous said...

gotta love lw always some sort of back alley deals goin on and shady practices =)

Anonymous said...

Good Work LW ya'll did it again, boosting @ ANON 1:44PM said Morale is #1 priority. haha but really its not funny! This city is a disgrace on the way they handle their employees

Anonymous said...

Follow this Link and you'll see why Lake Worth is in the Gutter!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone send the PB Post information and let them investigate the labor agreement, city funds and management practices. Maybe some exposure will open up this issue publicly. Let the post interview employees, supervisors and managers including union personnel and bring out the corruption.

Lynn Anderson said...

5:53--I doubt that would be allowed.

Anonymous said...

If any employee allowed themselves to be interviewed theyd be fired. Not everyone regardless how unhappy they are with the way they are treated by the city can afford to be fired. If there was anonymous way to send information in sure it would get out easier.

Anonymous said...

I work in city hall and within the last week it seems like everyone is filing paperwork to withdraw from the employees union. When i ask why they all said, "we havent had a raise in almost a decade, and now we still arent. Wht waste my money paying dues on a union that cant win?"