Friday, July 10, 2015

Idiots in Memphis - Insanity Rules

When you die now, if you have not been politically correct in your life, even 154 years later, and according to what's popular in the present, you will never REST IN PEACE...not with the crazy government we presently have and the nutty people who follow this invented racial hatred.  The government will create a new bureaucracy--the Politically Correct Thought Police. Insanity rules.

The City of Memphis is going to dig up the remains of a Confederate Civil War General along with his wife and move them off public property. Who even knows where their remains will end up.

Incitement to racial or ethnic hatred is a crime under the laws of (at least) three countries--the United States is not one of them. We hope in America that people will respect the times, mores and accept traditional customs and usages of the period. In other words, have a brain. The Memphis Council and those following this politically correct tune of the day are as off-balance as Dylann Roof.

Memphis City Councilman Edmund Ford, Jr. said there is a more crucial issue that must be resolved. He asked:
Even when all the flags have been taken down and when all the artifacts have been moved, what do we do next as a people?

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