Friday, July 10, 2015

Hate and Flags

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Below are examples of "hate" flags. I can guaranty you that the US government would not go bonkers if anyone flew any one of these flags. The Confederate Flag, on the other hand, is a part of our history. It did not symbolize "hate" in any way, shape or form. Hate did not bring about the Civil War, 154 years ago. The progressive politically correct liberals have re-written history to convince everyone that it is not about one crazy man who entered a church and wiped out 9 black people but rather it is about anyone who embraces this flag, Confederate War hero or not. They contend that a big part of our history must be wiped out.

Those in Columbia, South Carolina went nuts today when the Confederate Flag, part of history, was lowered to be mothballed.  However, South Carolina had a good reason to lower this flag as it was raised originally at their capitol  because of their legislatures' objection to civil rights some 53 years ago. No one really remembers today, 5 decades later, that they used the flag as a symbol of their hatred when that was NOT what this flag signified during the Civil War. And it proves the point that one man can make a difference, even if he is totally crazy.

As a friend wrote to me--"The Confederate flag may bring to mind a difficult past, but it did not cause slavery issues (it has been abused by radical groups such as the KKK), but it represented a whole lot more that many, both white and black, died for in the Civil War - my great grandfather was one of those casualties. It is the violation of rights and the ability to sustain our freedoms that concerns me the most. No one should be able to say we can not purchase a flag or eat a fatty sandwich at McDonald's - it's wrong!! And now they are wanting to say you can't display the flag in cemeteries of our fallen civil war veterans - where does this nonsense end????"

HATE FLAGS (a few)


Anonymous said...

Well said. I just bought a rebel flag before they are banned. Can you imagine something like this being banned when an illegal criminal comes over here and shoots to death one of our citizens. Where is the outrage? Where is president Obama's statement for that?

M Street Mitch said...

One of the joys of reading this blog is watching how you trample all over your previous opinions and push false narratives because you've just read something that sounds good or watched a particularly entertaining Fox News hour.

Note: The Confederate flag is not banned. Republicans...I repeat, Republicans ordered it removed from flying above the State House. Something that even you said you agreed with in the comments of a previous post. If now you've changed you position (and it sounds like you have) you need to direct your outrage at the Republican Party.

"Where does this nonsense end?"

As soon as you make up your mind where you stand on this issue, Ms. Anderson.

Lynn Anderson said...

One thing that is just so cool about you is that you defend the politically correct crowd every chance you get.

I have NO idea what you're talking about. As you are the smartest tool in LW, explain it. On second thought, don't bother.

Anonymous said...

I understand this blog, Mitch,,,I am wondering why you don't?

Anonymous said...

Lynn -- The above sounds like Bob LEPA! He has problems understanding a lot of things.