Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Capt. Todd Baer, new Commander District 14

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Some of you might remember Capt. Todd Baer when he worked for the Lake Worth Police Department. He spoke in front of the dais on many occasions regarding police salaries and pensions.

Todd Baer recently was promoted to Captain. He will be replacing Capt. Rolando Silva as Commander District 14. Capt. Silva, as previously reported, will be a special prosecutor at the State Attorney's office.


Lieutenant - Training Division
Palm Beach Sheriff's Office – Present West Palm Beach, Florida Area
Responsible for the administrative and operational duties of the multi- faceted Training Division.This includes instructing, scheduling, planning, approving and hosting training programs as well as supervising the firearms range, driving pad and armory. Previously worked as the Executive Officer of District 7 - Boca Raton and as a Watch Commander in the Patrol Division.

Lake Worth Police Department (12 years 6 months)Lake Worth Florida
Responsible for the administrative and operational duties of a road patrol platoon. Previously worked as Sergeant in Road Patrol as well as TAC / K9. As an officer worked as Patrolman, Tactical Unit officer, K9 officer, SWAT entry team member and VICE agent.


Anonymous said...

training to:
protect & serve or plan & attack?

Lynn Anderson said...

I still would like to know why Lt. Moss didn't get the promotion and take over as District Commander.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully a former LWPD officer will be sensitive to our needs and more responsive to our issues. We have very serious and pressing crime issues so he needs to get to work. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I know both Captain Baer and Lt Moss personally and both are well-qualified for the job. They came up through the ranks together at LWPD. We are quite fortunate to have them both lead here.