Monday, July 6, 2015

Cat dressed up for July 4th

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The owner told me the breed but I soon forgot--was not familiar with it at all. This is a cat that does not shed--hair seemed a little coarse and curly. It was a most unusual cat. Perhaps some cat owner can weigh in on the breed.


I Love Cats said...

Here is a little info on this beauty. Looks like a LaPerm breed!

The cats with curly coats are: Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, LaPerm & Selkirk Rex
Cats with curly coats have one or more missing or altered elements of the basic 3-part cat coat. This is the cause of the curls and often leads to less shedding, or no shedding at all.
A typical domestic cat has three types of hair structures within their coat. The outer coat is generally fairly straight and stiff. Called "guard hairs", this layer provides insulation and can serve to prevent rain water from reaching the skin. The middle layer is called "awn hair" which is not as long but is generally thicker and softer than the outer coat. The third layer is the undercoat or "down hair". Down hair is short, soft and very fine.

That's why many people with cat allergies find curly-haired cats less irritating, but this is an individual experience that can't be guaranteed. See hypoallergenic cat breeds for the best choices and advice for folks who have cat allergies.

Anonymous said...

Great info thanks for sharing

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks so much for letting our readers know about this cat breed. The owner said that it does not shed. That's a good thing!