Sunday, June 7, 2015

Quote of the Day - Marco Rubio

"If we keep promoting the same people we'll be left behind by the future."

"This election isn't about what laws we're going to pass. It's about what kind of country we're going to be. And we've made that choice before. Asked six decades ago, this nation and that generation chose to embrace a New Frontier. In fact, they took up the challenge of a then young president who said, 'Ask not what your country can do, ask what you can do for your country'.

And here's the hard truth...for far too long, leaders in both parties have been campaigning on the promise of what your government can do for you. But my campaign is built on the idea of what together we can do for America. Because America doesn't owe us anything. But every single one of us, especially me, has a debt to this country we will never repay."

~ Marco Rubio

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