Sunday, June 7, 2015

Now we know what happened to Dottie

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As I was reading the Palm Beach Post this morning, I started out with the article at the top of the page on men and women pay disparities.  To tell you the truth, I had no idea it was so bad. I then glanced down to the next article about a married lesbian couple one of whose children was slain last year. And then there was an AP article about Beau Biden's funeral who was taken from this world at too early of an age.

When I got to page 5, there was Dottie Carson's forever smiling and lovely face staring at me.  When I read the full page story, it was shocking to know of her medical condition. As the City of Lake Worth is advertising for her position, we now know what happened to Dottie.

Read about who is caring for Dottie and then read your Post for Dottie's story.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I don't get the Post. What happened to her?

atelise said...

Yes, I don't get the post over the summer. I'm assuming she developed alzheimers from viewing the link.