Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Lake Worth Budget Workshop Tonight

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The 2nd budget Workshop Meeting will be held tonight at City Hall at 6pm.  Again, NO BACKUP.  The information to be presented will consist of a copy of the Fiscal Year 2015 budget. So, in other words, commissioners, take some damn good notes because you can't read what's on the screen--but then you probably don't have to.  The city manager will feed you what you need to know.

Burton developed an inter-active Comprehensive Integrated Financial Sustainability Analysis that  provides the framework for the development of a City wide business plan and the basis for the FY2015/16 through FY 2026 Budgets. The program will provide the information for multi-year plans and will be based on the consultants wide ranging knowledge of local government finance projections. The system will plot multiple variables and changes through all funds that would be affected and allows for realtime changes of variables.

A. Discuss Fiscal Year 2016 proposed budget
1) Sanitation Fund
2) Stormwater Fund
3) Local Sewer Fund
4) Regional Sewer Fund
5) Other Business

And to bring up the ITN again as the city wants us to forget about it, prior to the June 2 commission meeting, Commissioner Andy Amoroso  spoke at the Downtown Jewel Neighborhood Association and said:

The ITN (Invitation to Negotiate) for the Beach complex was only gathering information ideas.  There was NO intention to privatize the beach.  No action has been taken for the beach.  The building has a large number of flaws and unmarketable areas.  The Commission will be discussing the ITN at the Commission Meeting at the June 2, 2015 meeting.  The Pool is losing about $300K per year.

The ITN was secret from the get-go and continues to be and the City continues to spend money on "studies." Just ask the people what they want at our beach and you will get the majority saying, "NOTHING, leave it alone...Hands off our Beach."


Laurel said...

I wonder how he came up with $300k per year. According to the numbers presented in the last budget workshop, the loss is less than half what he says it is. These people can't get their numbers right, even when it's on a piece of paper in their hands.

Anonymous said...

Laurel, show us the actual numbers; and where it'd printed otherwise.

Lynn Anderson said...

Why not ask Amoroso the same question? he was at the same meeting as laurel. Laurel got it from the budget as she stated.

Anonymous said...

Is the pool even budgeted for this year????