Thursday, March 5, 2015

Two pieces of trash arrived in my mailbox today

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John Szerdi put out a Hit Piece that was delivered to mailboxes today against his opponent, Ryan Maier.  The entire mailing is a lie.  But what can we expect when his campaign consultant is Wes Blackman, the Hit Piece King of Lake Worth. This is typical Lake Worth politics by that side of the political spectrum.  Nothing ever changes here with that group and it's no wonder good people don't want to get involved.

Read the facts

Two conclusions today--the Lake Worth Herald really knows where its bread is buttered, (Szerdi had a full page ad today) going after both McVoy and Maier.  John Szerdi needs to be kicked out of office for his hit piece on Ryan that was full of twisted statements and lies and grasping at straws.

First of all regarding the Hudson Holdings "by invitation only" meeting to the owners of the Gulfstream Condos, where Steve Michaels of Hudson indicated that he wanted to get the bid from the city to build a convention center at our beach along with a private Beach club, Chris Mcvoy was visiting one of his constituents who owns there. She mentioned the meeting to him and invited him to attend.  And he did.  Now Szerdi and friends are making a big deal out of it.  Got caught discussing development at our public beach, huh? Out of the Sunshine too.

Next, "No Solicitation" signs means someone knocking on your door trying to sell goods or services. It's typical for condo associations to have one erected.  Political campaigning does NOT fall into the category of solicitation.  Let's get real. It seems one of the owners as well as the President of the Gulfstream (a condo commando?) in that condo wrote letters to Margaret Menge of the Lake Worth Tribune, objecting to her article and the fact that our elected commissioner was even in the building to begin with, calling it solicitation and said he had no right to be there. What are they trying to hide? Is it because Hudson Holdings offered all of the owners a parking space in the parking garage he is planning on building at the Gulfstream if his bid at the beach goes through? Maybe they need a good dictionary on solicitation or learn what pay to play means or maybe even what an invitation is.

Back in November 2012, John Thomas, Palm Beach County's Director of Residential Appraisals stated that he was happy to see that we were keeping our dense city relegated to one and two story buildings in the downtown. Ryan Maier is all for honoring the vote of the people, something John Szerdi refuses to do.

If you want commissioners who care about you, who will look after the welfare of our city and all of its assets,  and take conservative approaches when asking for or spending your money, then you must vote for Christopher McYoy and Ryan Maier, both of whom got endorsed by the Palm Beach Post, a newspaper that actually knows how to spell the word endorse, unlike the LWHerald.


Anonymous said...

lies on paper not fit to line a bird cage - pitiful how scared it makes them look

Anonymous said...

Szerdi works for Hudson Holdings. This is really bad. He has a lot of nerve trying to make ryan maier out a liar, I got his mailing today and it looks like he's also trying to suggest to everyone that maier is a gay man.

Anonymous said...

Blackman needs to be3 off the Historic Board. He is the one behind this smear attack flier.

mary beth said...

I had to laugh today when I received the mail piece. I though to myself, we are back to the Rodney Romano days of badly done hit pieces. His arrogance was what brought him down, which no one, at that time, thought possible.

As to the charge of the heights charter amendment not being legal... I beg to differ. It was NOT directed toward a particular developer OR toward a city master comprehensive development plan, which really does not exist anymore, thanks to Rick Scott.

Palm Beach County residents are rabid about corruption, as we can see by the re-dedication of enough people at county level, to an anti- corruption team. You KNOW that is geared toward political corruption.

Let me remind us that almost all of the last generation of county commissioners is in prison or just recently released. Our own city government, in my opinion, just barely avoided implication, back then.

A county judge recently stated that the heights charter amendment was valid. A company would have to be INSANE to push forward with hubris and irresponsible behavior. AND, It just makes people want to do something to protect their city, even more.

Szerki must be unfamiliar with his local habitat.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me that if "a county judge" had even sniffed that the charter amendment was valid, Lynn would have been all over it like white on rice. And the assertion that one of our city commissioners was close to going to prison for corruption back when those at county level did is laughable. Who and for what?

Anonymous said...

maier is a gay man, isn't he? So what's the big deal about pointing that out, seems to be more of an advantage in lw than a disadvantage. So he automatically gets the gay vote, right?

Lynn Anderson said...

Szerdi paid Blackman $1,000 for advice. That was a mistake.