Commissioner Christopher McVoy accomplishments
Lake Worth Utilities
• Lowered price of electricity: our residential rate is now within 7% of FPL rates. Editors note: It was said by CM Bornstein on October 20, 2014 that LW was within 6.7% of FPL's rate)
• Lake Worth Electric reliability better than FPL; among the best in Florida
• Major improvements made to deliver better customer service
• Secured new energy purchase contract with Orlando Utilities. This has lowered rates since January 2014.
Lake Worth Beach
• Completed the popular new Casino building, including a wooden-floored Community ballroom
• Fought to keep our beach 100% public
• Completed the beautiful, native landscape Beach re-development (funded by the County)
Parks and Recreation
• Snook Islands project completed
• Bryant Park boat ramps completed
Neighborhood Improvements
• Paved 10th Ave South, completed Greenway at 9th Ave South
• Pushing hard to address vacant and abandoned properties
• Pushing hard for traffic calming
I hope you find him a Phone Booth, and a Cape he sounds like a super hero.
No, anonymous, what he is--is a guy with integrity, honesty and wanting to do the right thing by the people and their tax dollars.
See ms to me you are giving credit where Staff did all the work and created the solutions to achieve these goals unless he was out there building lines and modernizing the old Electric system, just stating facts.
Sort of like Szerdi saying he lowered electric rates--
I brought in $90 million in development project since last summer...that was on the books when Suzanne Mulvehill was still in office.
Did McVoy do all those things himself? Must have been difficult when he's on the losing end of just about every 4-1 vote.
And don't forget that he speaks every language on earth.
There have been very few 4 to 1 votes. And when he voted against the commission, he voted correctly. Stop believing the crap you read in the LW Herald. Go to commission meetings and learn the truth.
He speaks five languages @8:08. Are yu having a bad day? Don't forget that your candidate can barely speak English.
I go to almost every commission meeting and stay from beginning to end ,I don't leave halfway through like a lot of others. Mcvoy disagrees on almost everything. Also I come more prepared than him with knowledge of the backup. Some of the questions he has just blow my mind. If he actually read it he might understand something for a change.
Sometimes the back-up is over 400 pages, anonymous. I can guarantee that NO ONE ON THIS COMMISSION reads all the back-up. Also it is a known fact that Bornstein clues 4 of the commissioners in on what he wants and needs for the city. McVoy has always been left out of the loop.
All he asto do is show up for dinner, I have been invited to these informative meetings twice, and most of the time someone was on the phone, not much informing going on. And imagine I am just a lowly citizen.
he seems to be a nice, thoughtful guy, but when he wanted to spend tax dollars on an experimental 'wind energy' project at the beach, I immediately just thought of the pot holes in town that could get fixed w/ that money.
I've never quite understood how the town (before my time) let a Commision spend $11million on a reverse osmosis plant, while kids don't have a safe way to walk to school.
McVoy is definitely in the camp that saw that through...and while I am whole heartedly for the environment, I simply have a different set of priorities for the city, than Mr McVoy.
Before making remarks such as you just did, research the facts. You have obviously been listening to the wrong people. You even say it was "before your time".
McVoy thought an educational component would have been useful at the beach park. It was only a thought. It was not a "wind energy project" but rather one windmill. that was cut because of the overall project cost. I would like to know why the bathrooms near the casino were NOT redone (that entire building by the pool) but they allowed John Szerdi to get involved in the beach and build that restroom at the south end. I would imagine he made plenty of money off our beach. Personally, I believe that we got screwed by contractors and all the hands involved there.
Also, the RO plant cost much more than you are stating but it still was cheaper than going to the county to buy water. We are now a seller of water...a much superior position and we saved money building our own plant.
One reason why I like McVoy, he is always on the correct side of important decisions that affect us all.
You can't build sidewalks with Utility Fund money. That's why.
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