Quote of the Day - Allen West
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15-yr-old black teens beat up a 13-yr-old white kid because he told
school officials they tried to sell him drugs. Do you hear anything from
Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, Stevie Wonder, Jay-Z, liberal media, or
Hollywood? Cat got your tongues or is it that pathetic hypocrisy
revealing itself once again?
Y'all just make me sick."
~ Allen West
Did they beat him up or kill him? Does the unemployed Allen West really know what happened? Maybe the white kid stole drugs? maybe stole money?
Let us know when uncle tom allen west speaks up for all people of color not when he's licking the boots of the tea party racists.
Black conservatives are the liberal's worst nightmare.
Black conservative patriots like Col Allen West can smack down any argument the socialists/liberal/progressives can attempt to make on any social issues confronting this country.
Ever wonder why MSNBC or any of the other loser networks won't invite conservatives to debate their narrow pinhead views of how to socially engineer the country?
Ever wonder why no conservative will ever back away from the same argument?
No.... I guess it can't be racist when three black kids beat the snot out of a smaller, younger white kid for complaining he was being harassed to buy illegal drugs. I heard they broke his arm.
I don't think they preyed on him because he was white. But these thugs are no different than a Trevon. If that white kid had a firearm, I think he would have been justified in using it for self defense.
At some point in watching the video, I was in fear for his life.
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