Saturday, June 23, 2012

Respectful Planning - Your Voice Needs to be heard

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A good campaign slogan should remain consistent and endure throughout the entire campaign. The slogan should connect voter concerns and the current political environment in a way that's succinct and to the point. But, because of the rush to get this political action going and the time constraints it is under, it was decided that--

there would be two messages throughout the campaign:  the initial message of Your Voice and the final message of Vote Smart, Vote Yes.

Your Voice would be during the initial petition signature gathering.  Vote Smart, Vote Yes will be after the signatures are qualified for the November 6 vote. Petitions will be ready on Monday, June 25 and signature gatherers will be ready to go forward. Another meeting is scheduled next Saturday, June 30, 9am at the LW Shuffleboard Courts.

If you need further information, please call Carolyn Deli, 586-4999. Donations are payable to Respectful Planning PAC and sent c/o Deli at 126 N. E. St, Lake Worth, FL  33460. A Facebook page in the name of the PAC is in the process of being developed.


Anonymous said...

How many people actually showed up today for all the hupla??

Anonymous said...

Before I take commissioner Mulvehill seriously I want a report on her trip to Germany.

I have traveled for many years for many companies and for each trip I had to give a written report on the presentation I gave, how many people attended as well as a list of the people I contacted. Additionally I had to include a follow up plan on when and what I would be in contact with them.

Until then I will not respect anything she is championing.

A Long Time Business Traveler

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, for some reason I don't think you take her seriously at all anyway. This is campaign season, is it not?.

But now that you brought this up (and I have answered it before), she will be having a presentation sometime in July. She has been working on a referendum.

Please also ask Scott Maxwell to give a report on every convention and out of state trip he has taken. He has NEVER given one. Does that matter at all to you or is it only Suzanne Mulvehill?

Anonymous said...

We have seen the dreadful computer renderings of the big block square buildings, but they do not reflect the fact that everything above the second floor would have to be "stepped back". I think that that should be reflected in the renderings!

Anonymous said...

I was asking about Mulvehill not Maxwell, I will post the same question to him in an e-mail!

She needs to be accountable, as do all the rest, before we lend them further support.

It's not OK that she is not accountable, and July is way to long to wait, I would be reprimanded if it took that long to report on a business trip.

Anonymous said...

Letting Americans vote,no matter what the issue, is always a good idea.When our elected representatives say no to that most fundamental of American rights, its time to think about new representation.Katie Mcgiveron

Lynn Anderson said...

Please understand that Commissioner Mulvehill is the ONLY commissioner who has ever given a report on her trips. I do not remember any commissioner in the past reporting back to the public. I would also wager to say that it is Maxwell who has taken far more trips than any other commissioner ever.

So, get off her case. You are being political. She has said that she will give a report.

We have waited 7.5 years to get the Comp Plan to where it is today through many P&Z's and Commissions. So, I think YOU CAN WAIT a few weeks for a report instead of looking for just one more thing to complain about that is NOT that important int he scheme of things.

Look to your group that has been common sense. That would be the most helpful thing you could do for this city.

S. Williams said...

Comparing apples to apples, I seem to remember a Commissioner putting the Day Labor Center on the consent agenda, therefore not allowing the Citizens a Vote on the matter.

Anonymous said...

She's not going to give a few sentences from the dais like some other commissioner might do and say, wow, I was in Washington DC and had a drink at the bar with some bozo. It will be a Power Point from what I was told. This takes time.

Lynn Anderson said...

Sylvia: I remember much discussion on the Day Labor Center. I recall that Jeff Clemens voted FOR it. The only Commissioner who voted against it was Retha Lowe, if memory serves.

The use of our public buildings IS a problem. I was also against Compass taking over our Senior Center. I am totally against the city giving away any of our city buildings on favorable leases or $1 a year BS.

S. Williams said...

Lynn, I don't really care how the Mayor and Commissioners voted on the labor Center. The fact remains that a Commissioner did not want the people to have a voice. I too am dissappointed with City properties being leased for a dollar a year. However I believe that Compass is paying much more than that, also they have invested a huge sum of money in bringing that building up to code. Surely even you can see what a wonderful job they have done. It is my understanding that before Compass took the building over it was in disrepair and full of mold. At least this organization serves the entire community!

Anonymous said...

Maxwell may have taken more trips, but a hell of a lot less mileage.

Lynn Anderson said...

Depending upon what sort of "deals" you get on travel these days, sometimes it is more expensive to fly to Tallahassee than it is to Vancouver.

I heard back from Commissioner Mulvehill and her reply is as follows:

Yes, I will put on the August 7 agenda. Busy in July. .

Maxwell has about 3 trips to report on. Perhaps he can get "caught up" and do his presentations too.

Anonymous said...

This is typical.. we are talking about building heights and voter rights and somehow people prefer to talk about trips and reports. Diversion in attempt to discredit someone who is actually representing THE PEOPLE and what they want. This is really not about Commissioner Mulvehill. It is about THE ISSUE of building heights. It is not about politics it is about the city. Surely there is a better place for Mr. Long Time business Traveler to brag about his reporting history, oh and congratulations to you for doing excellent business reports.. Accolades to you.. now that your have been appropriately applauded can you please stick to the topic or go brag somewhere else?

Victoria- Long Time Voter

Anonymous said...

"The use of our public buildings IS a problem. I was also against Compass taking over our Senior Center. I am totally against the city giving away any of our city buildings on favorable leases or $1 a year BS."

Amen Lynn! I agree. Compass and the CEO and founder is running a huge scam with this nonprofit using gays and AIDS in the wrong way, he is making millions of dollars is salary profits over the years off of donations and government funding of our taxes, what a sin, does he think he will make it to heaven scamming and this greed? Making a 6figure salary off of tax dollars and donations is a sin, he is a master businessman who is greedy and knows how to work the system. Recently he was hobnobing in NYC
with JP Morgan who hosted its first ever LGBT family event to celebrate Pride Month and Compass' CEO Tony Plakas and Cocktails for Compass chair, Alfred Fiandaca were among the invited guests. JP Morgan hosted the inaugural event at the Central Park in NYC, look who the CEO of Compass is hanging with, very shrewd and a lot of greed and corruption going on and our city let's them have this building, a huge mistake, what a waste of tax payer money all around.