Monday, June 18, 2012

"It's the Economy, Stupid"

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As Bill Clinton once said, "It's the economy, Stupid." Okay then, why is it that some of you think Obama should be re-elected?


Anonymous said...

Only the stupid ,who
ignore the present economic recession, since all promisses of 2008.
Remember 2008 :"I will cut the Deficit in half, if you elect me!!????Lower unemployment create new immigration Laws etc etc !!!
Who will vote for more recession and false promises,building false voters with amnesty for 800.000 illegal students, to make certain,American students who must pay tuition,cannot find summer jobs, for tuiition fees.Turn the Country over to illegals for the Hispanic vote!Do that in Mexico or Guatemala!

Anonymous said...

Anom@8:56AM, You are so stupid. It is hard to responded.I have 5 Grandchildren,They are all in universities receiving grants and working 7 jobs between them.You must admit the economy was going down when
Obama took office.Who would have believed that it was so important to
make sure he is a one time President
the Repugs would stop every bill he proposed.Want to talk about TRAITORS?
home grown and elected.