Saturday, June 2, 2012

Give me some sugar, Honey

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A Brian Farrington Cartoon

The Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, has pushed the liberal progressive button too far this time. Everyone will have to endure the madness until the Supreme Court overthrows his latest directive of protecting us from ourselves.

He believes that banning drinks over 16oz will combat obesity, diabetes, and other health problems plaguing the people of New York. New Yorkers have so many monumental problems--sugar is not one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad he cares, and yes, sodas are very bad for us, cause cancer and obesity, etc. but I don't think it is his place to dictate. People need to assume their own responsibility for their actions or lack there of, we baby people or try to mandate things, that need to come from within. We should probably allow all drugs too and then tax them, people are going to use all of this stuff anyway, they always get around it, like during prohibition.