Sunday, December 31, 2023

USA Boxing now has Trans Policy

USA Boxing introduce new ‘Transgender Policy

which allows male boxers who transition to fight in female category under certain conditions

The introduction to the policy states: "USA Boxing presents this policy for members regarding transgender participation in USA Boxing’s competitions.

"The purpose of this policy is to provide fairness and safety for all boxers.

"USA Boxing has determined this policy based on the November 2021 International Olympic Committee (IOC) Framework on Fairness, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity and Sex Variations, which remits each sport and its governing body to determine how an athlete may be at a disproportionate advantage compared with their peers, taking into consideration the nature of each sport.

Read the article


Anonymous said...

The US is going mad

Anonymous said...

Boxing is so inhumane and uncivilized, it is hard to understand why our country allows such brutal uncivilized behavior and sport to be allowed today.

Anonymous said...

Somebody should ask the Hitman hearns if he wants to come box a girl even though his retired his son's boxing under his card maybe he wants to come box him

Anonymous said...

I feel that way about the UFC, but not boxing.

Marquess of Queensbury Rules, seem to be fairer than the scrawny animals in the UFC.

Anonymous said...

boxing is not a sport

Lynn Anderson said...

It's a slick sport that takes, not only power, but a lot of finesse--an art.

Anonymous said...

always thought something was rong with you lynn

Anonymous said...


Lynn Anderson said...

The greatest boxer of all time, Muhammad Ali, said, ""The fight is won or lost far away from the witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
If people want to box, it's up to them, doncha think?

Anonymous said...

What made boxing great, were the heavyweights.

Ali, Marciano, Liston, Frazier,

The Thrilla in Manila-Those were the days of boxing.

You can't call these pantywaists in the UFC fighters. They're contortionists and belong in the circus.

Lynn Anderson said...

@12:16...proves you're a Democrat...personal attacks when someone has a different opinion...LOL.
One thing we have learned about you--You CAN'T spell.