Thursday, December 28, 2023

Free tampons in the Parliament of Canada mens’ washrooms

Canadian tax dollars now provide free tampons in the Parliament of Canada mens’ washrooms. For “employees who menstruate.”

The world gets more bizarre by the day

It could be worse; we could live in socialist Canada under silly Trudeau but our own country is getting more socialist by the day.

In Canada, they've decided to put free tampons and other products for periods in men's bathrooms at places like government buildings, airports, and military places. This new rule is something that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau really supports.

This change means that these products for periods will be in all bathrooms, even if the bathroom sign says it's for men.

A person who used to work in the Canadian government, Linda Frum, who is a conservative, posted a picture showing these products in a men's bathroom. She said that in the past, only women used to buy these products for themselves. But now, they're making them free in men's bathrooms too, and she took the photo in a bathroom at Parliament Hill, where the government works.

Read about it... LOL


Anonymous said...

Woke idiots!

Anonymous said...

Is trudeau trans now too? We all know he doesn't have all his marbles!