Sunday, April 23, 2023

Save Benny’s

Signs everywhere downtown today


Anonymous said...

I think the Benny should get a rent increase the city should be getting back some of the money that they gave in concessions when these people get here it's only fair just like there was a barbecue the one to rent the casino building and the commissioner said no the guy said okay bye you know they do not know how to market anything in the City of lake Worth Beach prime realty they do not know how to market they do not know how to market the swimming pool but when they do get a tenant they give them free reign for years and now the guys complaining because he got he's got to run increase if you don't like it MOVE

Anonymous said...

He got an increase from $21,000 a month to $25,000 pr something like that with escalation clauses

Anonymous said...

This is a political move by the Secret Gestapo, they know we know, they won’t stop.
Ask Scott Maxwell about the harassment Natures Way received after we held an event on Lake Ave.
They are dirty hateful people it’s all they know can’t stand anyone with a different opinion, it’s all about hate and bring you down!

Lynn Anderson said...

On Nextdoor:

Thomas Osterholt
North Lake Worth
1 day ago •

I would like to respond to two posts that support Bennys leaving. One says the food is bad so let Bennys leave the Lakeworth pier location. This ignores the fact this restaurant employs approximately 200 people who work to support their families, it ignores it is a major sales tax payer, and is a major draw for the beach which generates parking revenue for the City. While this poster doesn’t like the food a of people do. This same poster says he is sure McVoy, Stokes And Diaz have some other business lined up to take Bennys place. Please supply evidence to support this theory. The facts are the City owns this building which houses the restaurant which needs a new roof and all new systems. Any new tenant would need to meet code requirements and provide these updates to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars although it is really the City responsibility to make these upgrades but it doesn’t have the money.The most likely outcome if Bennys leaves it will be another empty building in our City.

The second poster says Bennys should have known how much the new rent was going to be 10 years ago and saved money to pay its. The facts are the City attorney and manager started negotiating a lease renewal with Bennys 6 months ago and reach a new rental rate that ended up being a 38% rent increase at the end of the lease extension. Bennys showed up to sign the new lease and McVoy, Stokes and Diaz pulled the rug out by wanting to renegotiate. Bad faith on the city part and a warning to anyone else dealing with this City commission not to trust a deal.
So the City’s choice is to have 200 people unemployed, loose the money it receives from the rent and sales tax , take over at its cost maintenance of the pier and manning the bait shack or signing a lease that increases the rent 38% over its life. I Hope reasonable heads prevail.

Anonymous said...

How you could climb up those rickety steps, and not think that building is an accident waiting to happen, not to mention a fire hazard, shows an unwillingness to face reality.

I realize that people will eat anything just to look at the water, but that in itself is unrealistic.

Benny's is a dump and should be torn down. The owner has plenty of money, and he is capitalizing on people's emotions.

If he is so great, let him turn a profit in the place across the street. Take the employees there and make a new Benny's.