Monday, April 24, 2023

Benny's on the Beach Lease Saga

Commissioner who voted against Benny's on the Beach lease renewal 'open to continued negotiations'

We’re now hearing from the owner of Benny’s on the Beach as well as city leaders about Lake Worth Beach’s iconic restaurant on the pier, which had its lease renewal rejected by the city commission last Tuesday.

City leaders say negations are ongoing as the beloved restaurant continues to work to secure a new lease, with its current one set to expire in about a month.

Both the owner of Benny's on the Beach and the mayor of Lake Worth Beach said they were surprised and three commissioners voted against lease renewal at last Tuesday’s commission meeting. One of those commissioners tells WPBF 25 News he is open to further negotiations.

Guess who it is?

Read why McVoy voted "no"

One of the three who voted "no" must bring it back for discussion and vote.


Anonymous said...

Save Benny's. A 33% increase and they don't think that's good enough? ReallY//

Anonymous said...

Those 3 need to GO!

Anonymous said...

No those three commissioners shouldn't go they're trying to get a deal a good deal for the city we gave Benny's on the beach a lot of concessions just like we gave the golf course restaurant a lot of concessions and a lot of leeway we let him build a deck we let him do this we let him do that now it's about time they start paying fair share I think 48 to $50 a square foot is a good deal

Anonymous said...

Like I said we gave Benny's a lot of concessions and now I think that the commissioners had a right to reject that lease I think Benny should be paying more than $47 a square foot more like 48 to 50 he's got the pier income he's got the patio he's got that little outside concessions did sell beer and mixed drinks like I said if he don't like it he can pack up and go back across the street where you already has a restaurant

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:50 and 6:52...we heard ya the first time. Thanks.