Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Biden should be Impeached

Payback is a B—- “How Could We Not Impeach Biden?

The radical progressive left concocted a pair of bogus impeachment allegations against former President Trump. Neither one gained any traction because they were both a bunch of hogwash.

Each feeble Democrat attempt to remove the former president was based on lies. What the left alleges happened never did happen. Both impeachments were political theater.

But what about making a case for booting the current buffoon resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to the curb? If there’s ever been a U.S. president worthy of impeachment, it’s the man who currently wastes space inside the White House. Joe Biden shouldn’t even be president. The crooked liberal-left political machine manipulated and cheated to get him there.

The most crooked influencing scheme in U.S. history

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