Biden to pardon all federal convictions of simple marijuana possession
On Thursday Biden issued one of the largest mass pardons in US history to roughly 6,500 people convicted in federal court of simple marijuana possession, as well as thousands more charged locally in DC.Biden also ordered a federal review of pot’s Schedule I status that lumps it together with such drugs as heroin and LSD, which could begin the process toward federal legalization.
Biden told The Post in July that he was “working on” fulfilling his 2019 campaign pledge to free “everyone” in federal prison for marijuana offenses — and the president received pressure from Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democratic Senate candidate, to embrace marijuana reform ahead of the midterm elections due to broad public support.
I just can't imagine anyone taking advice from John Fetterman. As he said, and continues to advocate for now, “I’m pro legalizing marijuana, but I go even further than some of my colleagues because I’m for decriminalizing across the board.”
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It's so sad that they would he would be fulfilling a campaign promise to legalize the possession of marijuana and marijuana is already been proven to cause mental illness schizophrenia and also whether it's in the man or the woman using it it can cause birth defects proven birth defects in babies but everyone seems to think marijuana is harmless and it won't hurt anyone we have a lot of addicts in this country everyone needs to either be high all the time be drunk have a cigarette in their mouth be gambling all the addiction problems it's very very sad for our country and world please pray for all the addicts biden doesn't realize all the harm that this could really cause now people are driving high all the time causing a lot of accidents it really is a dangerous dangerous move but then again he doesn't have to drive and he has chauffeurs and limousines bringing him everywhere it's very very sad for our world that we have a government that keeps pushing all of these bad harmful vices on their citizens they love all these people to be alcoholics and spend all this money on alcohol and drugs and cigarettes and gambling they love all the taxes they get from all of these vices it's very very sad pray for our government and our demented resident -resident of the White House we should say.
Can’t be worse then alcohol, everyone knows a drunkard or two and how it destroys lives.
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