Monday, February 18, 2019

The Fraudster Jussie Smollett talking about our President

This first-class lying punk is a racist and liar.
Smollett’s tweet was in response to a Jan. 11 tweet by the president which made his case for the wall.


Anonymous said...

With this we see Smollet's motive for his hoax. He has TDS and will lie wasting the police time in order to try to blame Trump supporters.

Anonymous said...

I guess for eight years OBAMA was not the President because I didn't like his policies!!!

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:57, what does your comment have to do with the fact that this punk full of hate talked and said what he said. And he committed a gigantic hoax and all you hate filled liberals wanted to believe it. Not too smart.

Anonymous said...

There is such unbridled hatred for Trump that they are making shit up because he is just smart enough to keep his ass out of trouble. It may catch up with him eventually, but he has accomplished some remarkable things in the past two years.

The most telling will be his legacy of Supreme Court Justices swaying the court back to center-right.

Do I think he colluded with Russia? Yes. Trying to get dirt on Hillary. Is Russia using him unwittingly? Very possible. He is pretty smart but Russia is determined to re-take their previous prestige on the world front and they will do anything to get there. They blame USA for the collapse of the USSR. They are certainly our enemy and our open society works to our disadvantage and their advantage.

There certainly is a deep seated bias against Trump in the "deep state" and they will do everything in their power to bring him down. All we can do is sit by and eat pop corn.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have seen the dems faces this morn when someone was on chanel 12 telling of all the good trump has done in 2 years and how we are going to have to make room on mt rushmore for President for this racist idiot some of us knew from beginning something was wrong.he story kept changing

Anonymous said...

The way the media jumped on this hoax way before any investigation to blame our President is appalling. They have NO credibility. I wonder who is pulling this puppet's strings.