Friday, February 22, 2019

Build the Wall

2018: 10,800 Children Raped in America by Illegal Aliens

And what we pay for illegal aliens per year, two-and-a-half months after the wall is completed, it will have paid for itself.




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is false information that you are posting. You have been advised of that. You are using Blogger to willfully disseminate false info on the internet.

Lynn Anderson said...

Snopes is not a source that I use. It is a left-leaning fact check site that should be used with caution..
From American liberty:
data compiled by NCFIRE (North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement) reveals that the state of North Carolina has arrested an average of 18 illegal aliens every month this year for the crime of child rape.

Statistically, this means that the 50 states in America are on track to arrest 10,800 illegal aliens for raping children in 2018. And that 10,800 figure is a bare-minimum, super-generous, giving-the-illegal-alien-child-rapists-the-benefit-of-the-doubt number. A total of 10,800 arrests assumes that each illegal alien child rapist only rapes one child in America. Many will rape three, four, or a dozen before they are caught, so the “true” number could be in the 30,000 to 40,000 raped children range.

Anonymous said...

Snopes addresses this:

"NCFIRE purports to compile “monthly child rape reports” covering sexual assaults committed by illegal immigrants in North Carolina. Our inspection of their data, however, turned up a number of issues. For starters, while the data were compiled under the title “monthly child rape reports,” the supporting documents actually included a variety of sex-related crimes, such as possession of child pornography and “indecent liberties with a child,” that aren’t rape. We also found one individual who was included in the 2018 report even though he raped a child in 2011. That person presumably was included in the 2018 report because of an arrest that year for failing to report an address change.

In addition to including outdated charges and crimes other than rape in the “monthly child rape reports,” NCFIRE also appears to be counting arrests, not convictions. In other words, a number of individuals included in these reports have only been accused of crimes, and the charges against them may be dropped or found to be unsupported at trial."

And you just can't that because something is going on at some rate in NC, it has to be going on at the same rate in Wyoming or Montana or Utah or Idaho...or anywhere else.

The 10,800 number is a totally made up number based upon fraudulent data collection in one state.

You know this but yet you pass on the info because it fits into your narrative of smearing undocumented immigrants in America.

Anonymous said...

Illegals are into that, child rape isn't punished in their countries.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:27--Yes, I don't like CRIMINALS in our country...people crossing here ILLEGALLY. Why do you continue to defend this criminal action?
Write your own blog defending open borders and criminals. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of fake news in the morning....

Lynn Anderson said...

Oh? you’re a regular viewer of CNN?