Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Sabotaging a President
Democrats are jumping on the "cause célèbre"'s the fun thing to do for the moment and solidifying their belief that they are on the right side of history. Kooky, but true.
The latest complaint from the left-wing Democrats is that Republicans are on the defensive regarding Donald Trump...that Republicans have nothing of value to offer...Trump is a joke...Obamacare is great...the wall is stupid...and don't you dare lower the corporate tax--that might create jobs and American wealth for heavens sake.
They fail to mention that they have voted against every Trump measure before them in Congress. The vocal minority has gone overboard denigrating our president, even attacking Melania, Barron, Ivanka and Jared and are only grasping for relevance in communities across the nation trying in desperation to keep their voter base intact.
Now Judicial Watch says it has uncovered what may turn out to be a case study in the art of sabotaging a sitting president.
The latest complaint from the left-wing Democrats is that Republicans are on the defensive regarding Donald Trump...that Republicans have nothing of value to offer...Trump is a joke...Obamacare is great...the wall is stupid...and don't you dare lower the corporate tax--that might create jobs and American wealth for heavens sake.
They fail to mention that they have voted against every Trump measure before them in Congress. The vocal minority has gone overboard denigrating our president, even attacking Melania, Barron, Ivanka and Jared and are only grasping for relevance in communities across the nation trying in desperation to keep their voter base intact.
Now Judicial Watch says it has uncovered what may turn out to be a case study in the art of sabotaging a sitting president.
Donald Trump,
An Impatient Driver on Lake Osborne
We who live out here see it all of the time. Crazy drivers, too impatient to slow down for the wildlife that crosses the road...speeding, in a hurry to get to Publix. Doves and turtles have been run over. Drivers beep their horns at them...ducks don't understand...they just waddle across the road. It is their habitat too. One of these days it will be a human being...then what? Will we finally get speed bumps? Considerate drivers? How can anyone be in that big of a hurry to kill a living, breathing animal that is hurting no one?
Slow down and smell the roses and remember that our wildlife needs protection.
Slow down and smell the roses and remember that our wildlife needs protection.
NATO Chucklers
It's been reported that some of the members of NATO chuckled when President Trump said that they should be paying their fair share.
In the 28-nation NATO alliance, total defense spending topped $900 billion in 2015. The United States paid $650 billion, or 73%, of the total budget.
In the 28-nation NATO alliance, total defense spending topped $900 billion in 2015. The United States paid $650 billion, or 73%, of the total budget.
What Allen West has to say about Maxine
No one really knew of her until she started running her mouth with outrageous charges. Now she won't shut up. You have to wonder how people like this get elected. She has now reinvented herself from "corrupt" to the most outspoken anti-Trump Democrat in D.C. and now is some sort of hero to all the snowflakes.
When Maxine Waters was interviewed on live TV, she was asked about her push to cause the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
In this article, former Congressman Allen B. West takes her to task for her foundless charges. He also does not spare MSNBC for aiding and abetting her departure from reality. There has yet to be ANY crime committed, much less one that rises to the levels of High Crimes and Treason.
Read about it... from Allen West.
Maxine Waters, always looking like a fool
When Maxine Waters was interviewed on live TV, she was asked about her push to cause the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
In this article, former Congressman Allen B. West takes her to task for her foundless charges. He also does not spare MSNBC for aiding and abetting her departure from reality. There has yet to be ANY crime committed, much less one that rises to the levels of High Crimes and Treason.
Read about it... from Allen West.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Flag Retirement Ceremony at PB Maritime Middle High School
Tomorrow afternoon, May 31st at 4:00 pm, we will be having a flag retirement and flag raising ceremony at Palm Beach Maritime's Middle/High School Campus.
The current flag is torn and we will have a retirement ceremony conducted by our Naval Sea Cadet students.The new flag was acquired by Congresswoman Lois Frankel at the request of Lantana Mayor, David Stewart. The new flag flew over the Capitol building in Washington D.C. on April 5th, 2017.
The school is located at 600 S. East Coast Avenue in Lantana. We would love if this special event could be publicized. Please contact Shari Cooper at 561-313-5764 with any questions.
Thank you,
Mrs. Shari Cooper, M.S.Ed.
Teacher-Parent Liaison/Professional Development Coordinator
(561) 547-3775
(561) 578-5700
Palm Beach Maritime Academy
Serving the Community with Academic Excellence for 17 Years
Who is Vladimir's puppet?
"During the third Presidential debate, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of being Vladimir Putin’s puppet. The media ran with the accusation. But Obama’s former CIA Director just gave testimony revealing that everything you thought you knew about the Russian scandal is dead wrong.
Back in January, BuzzFeed published an unverified opposition research memo stating the Russians had compromising information on President Trump. The document was filled with scandalous gossip and fake news. There was – however – one candidate the Russians did have compromising information on."
And it was Hillary Clinton.
Read about it...
Vladimir Putin must be laughing his azz off.
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Sign the Petition
Sign the Petition calling on the White House to open an official investigation into Rich’s death.
When Rich was killed in 2016, Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange called for an investigation into the homicide. Why would a wanted man, holed up in an Ecuadorian embassy in London care at all who killed the Washington, DC-based staffer? That question remains unanswered but some believe he was the source of the DNC database of emails which, arguably, cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 presidential election.[Liberty Headlines]
When Rich was killed in 2016, Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange called for an investigation into the homicide. Why would a wanted man, holed up in an Ecuadorian embassy in London care at all who killed the Washington, DC-based staffer? That question remains unanswered but some believe he was the source of the DNC database of emails which, arguably, cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 presidential election.[Liberty Headlines]
NSA under Obama spied on U.S. citizens
As we listen 24/7 to the fake news and fake outrage about Russia spying
and stealing our election, the news clip below gets to the REAL scandal
that no one is reporting on: []
Terror in Minnesota
What in the hell are they thinking?
"The bodies of the latest terror victims in Manchester haven’t even been laid to rest yet, and liberal loons are already up to their usual antics, lecturing everyone who’s calling for increased border security as racists and bigots.
Liberal governors across our country are all too eager to help with ISIS’ mission of destruction, with Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton being the most vocal idiot as of late, with his plans to welcome “refugees” into his state by the droves, recently telling his citizens, 'if you don’t like immigrants, get out of Minnesota'!
With the start of Ramadan kicking off today, Muslims are predictably up to their usual antics. Now the entire town of Minneapolis has just erupted into massive chaos, after what these very Muslim refugees who were welcomed by Governor Dayton were just caught doing."
Sharia Law
Amazing photos on Memorial Day
Secretary of State shows up at Rolling Thunder biker rally in Washington, D.C.
President Trump makes surprise visit to Section 60 of Arlington Cemetery to meet the families of the fallen heroes
Donald Trump,
Memorial Day,
Secretary of State
Mysterious Death of Seth Rich
Sean Hannity was investigating the death of Seth Rich as well. Fox News pulled his segment. One America News (which I don't get on Comcast) is now investigating and has increased the reward to $245,000 for the arrest and conviction of Rich's murderer.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Jill who?
I guess everyone by now notices how the liberal left or anyone not a Trump supporter condemns him for just about anything ugly that is happening in this world. Now it's the nut case in Portland.
There's a reason why Jill Stein only got 1,207,141 people to vote for her, which is 1 percent of the popular vote.
There's a reason why Jill Stein only got 1,207,141 people to vote for her, which is 1 percent of the popular vote.
Obama's Hypocrisy
Obama in Germany slamming the President's Wall.
While Obama was speaking in Berlin he said, “We can’t hide behind a wall” forgetting that he himself spoke behind a bullet proof wall. Sounds about right--undermining our president--undermining our country.
While Obama was speaking in Berlin he said, “We can’t hide behind a wall” forgetting that he himself spoke behind a bullet proof wall. Sounds about right--undermining our president--undermining our country.
Build the Wall,
Donald Trump,
Memorial Day
As liberals remove memorials and statutes of our confederate soldiers and try to erase our history, Memorial Day celebrates and honors all Americans who died while in the military service.
Honoring Robert E. Lee on Memorial Day
"The first official Memorial Day observation (then called Decoration Day) was held on May 30, 1868 at the former mansion of Robert E. Lee in Arlington, Virginia.
Read more... at The Resurgent by Steve Berman.
All of you safe space people and revisionists need to remember that as you move our Confederate War Memorials to pretend that the Civil War never happened.
As the Republican Party and Abraham Lincoln ended the civil war, read this great article on why this is all happening
Various Washington officials, including Gen. and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, presided over the ceremonies. After speeches, children from the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphan Home and members of the GAR made their way through the cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns.There were no “foreign” soldiers honored in that first solemn ceremony, since both Union and Confederate soldiers, dead in battle, were Americans."
Read more... at The Resurgent by Steve Berman.
All of you safe space people and revisionists need to remember that as you move our Confederate War Memorials to pretend that the Civil War never happened.
As the Republican Party and Abraham Lincoln ended the civil war, read this great article on why this is all happening
Sunday, May 28, 2017
America's strongest asset is Patriot, Donald Trump
In September, 2016, Scott Adams switched from supporting Hillary Clinton to backing Trump too—and after Trump won the US presidency, simply stated the obvious: “It turns out he was Keyser Söze all along – and by that I mean smarter than you thought.”
Obama Meddling in Foreign Elections
"The stench of the Obama administration is beginning to overwhelm
Washington. From leftist politicos screaming for Trump’s head based upon
fairy tales backed by zero evidence--
to the corrupt mainstream media parroting the Democrat mantra to dump Trump--
to foreign leaders now providing evidence of Barack Hussein meddling in foreign elections bankrolled by US taxpayer dollars,
the depth of the corruption is breathtaking and should land many high-profile Democrats in federal prison, hopefully and especially Hussein himself," says Thomas Madison
It's a George Soros connection and "senators are asking Tillerson to launch a full-scale investigation into these funding efforts in order to determine how exactly the Obama administration sought to promote left-leaning causes and political parties across the globe."
to the corrupt mainstream media parroting the Democrat mantra to dump Trump--
to foreign leaders now providing evidence of Barack Hussein meddling in foreign elections bankrolled by US taxpayer dollars,
the depth of the corruption is breathtaking and should land many high-profile Democrats in federal prison, hopefully and especially Hussein himself," says Thomas Madison
It's a George Soros connection and "senators are asking Tillerson to launch a full-scale investigation into these funding efforts in order to determine how exactly the Obama administration sought to promote left-leaning causes and political parties across the globe."
George Soros,
New World Order,
Draining the Swamp
Trump budget:
“It pluses up the military. It tries to clean out the swamp. It reduces some bureaucracy. It balances in 10 years. All of these are good conservative policies.”
Saturday, May 27, 2017
My Luncheon Companions
Yesterday at John G's
These were the most loving and well behaved dogs I have ever seen. The owner would tell them to sit; they would sit. Lay down--no problem. Not sure what breed they are...Labradoodles?
Supreme Court to decide on Travel Ban Order
When Donald Trump took the oath of office as our 45th president, he swore to uphold our Constitution.
Giving campaign statements more credence than Trump swearing to uphold the Constitution, Judges decided that these statements showed his true intent when he issued his Executive Travel Ban Order. Security of our country was irrelevant--it was discrimination against the Muslim religion.
And then you have Obama who restricted visas for seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen where there was no problem with the courts.
"The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court injunction against President Trump's March 6 executive order on immigration. The injunction blocked the portion of the order that suspended the entry of nationals from Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen into the United States. The Fourth Circuit concluded that the motivation for the executive order was religious in nature in violation of the First Amendment. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he would appeal the case to the Supreme Court" [Ballotpedia]
Read about it...
With ISIS stating it will destroy the West, our courts must take this as seriously as our president. "All people who cherish life must unite in finding, exposing and removing these killers and extremists – and yes, losers; they are losers." ~ Donald Trump
Giving campaign statements more credence than Trump swearing to uphold the Constitution, Judges decided that these statements showed his true intent when he issued his Executive Travel Ban Order. Security of our country was irrelevant--it was discrimination against the Muslim religion.
And then you have Obama who restricted visas for seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen where there was no problem with the courts.
"The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court injunction against President Trump's March 6 executive order on immigration. The injunction blocked the portion of the order that suspended the entry of nationals from Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen into the United States. The Fourth Circuit concluded that the motivation for the executive order was religious in nature in violation of the First Amendment. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he would appeal the case to the Supreme Court" [Ballotpedia]
Read about it...
With ISIS stating it will destroy the West, our courts must take this as seriously as our president. "All people who cherish life must unite in finding, exposing and removing these killers and extremists – and yes, losers; they are losers." ~ Donald Trump
Donald Trump,
Executive Order,
Supreme Court,
Stabbing in Lake Worth
It wasn't a shooting this time but bad enough-- right near 6th Avenue South and Dixie Highway.
Read about it...
Read about it...
Egypt pounding terrorists in Libya
Egyptian President al-Sisi ordered airstrikes to blast terror camps in Libya following bus massacre of Egyptian Coptic Christians. We have his back.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Peter D'amico, a fine artist
It took me a very long time to buy a Peter D'amico painting. Although I always loved and admired his art for years, it just didn't go with my decor which is all animal and earth tones. But when he died a few weeks ago, I bought this painting and actually found a spot where it "works."
Proceeds from the sale of his paintings (only three are left..Click here to view) at the House of Frames on Lake Avenue will go towards Peter D'amico's cremation costs at All County.
If you want to have a lovely colorful piece of art that will go towards a good cause, visit the House of Frames, 1510 Lake Avenue.
Proceeds from the sale of his paintings (only three are left..Click here to view) at the House of Frames on Lake Avenue will go towards Peter D'amico's cremation costs at All County.
If you want to have a lovely colorful piece of art that will go towards a good cause, visit the House of Frames, 1510 Lake Avenue.
Trump at NATO
NATO is an Alliance that consists of 28 independent member countries across North America and Europe, the newest of which, Albania and Croatia, joined in April 2009. An additional 22 countries participate in NATO's Partnership for Peace program, with 15 other countries involved in institutionalized dialogue programs. The combined military spending of all NATO members constitutes over 70% of the global total. Members' defense spending is supposed to amount to at least 2% of GDP
Trump Poll numbers slightly up
Not that I particularly like polls--they are somewhat suspect to me ever since Donald Trump's win on election night. The polls got it all wrong leading up to November 8, 2016. Remember that Clinton was predicted to win by an 84 percent chance while Trump had a 16 percent chance, according to The Upshot Well, we all know how that all turned out.
On Wednesday, Rasmussen Reports released its daily presidential tracking poll, putting Trump at a 48 percent approval rating. That’s a four-point jump in two days from Rasmussen, and a five point increase from his recent low of 43 percent on May 16.
On Wednesday, Rasmussen Reports released its daily presidential tracking poll, putting Trump at a 48 percent approval rating. That’s a four-point jump in two days from Rasmussen, and a five point increase from his recent low of 43 percent on May 16.
Gianforte Wins in Montana
Election Results: Gianforte Wins U.S. House Seat in Montana
By The New York Times
Election results
Minnesota Muslim Jihadists
"Clare Lopez, vice president of research and analysis for the Washington-based Center for Security Policy, said the incident in Minneapolis very well could indicate the tip of a very dangerous iceberg.
Local law enforcement knows that the Minneapolis neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside already functions as a Somali enclave known as 'Little Mogadishu,' where Shariah prevails, not U.S. constitutional law, or Minnesota law or Minneapolis municipal law.
It is, in effect, a no-go zone, where local police must be wary for their security if they enter in uniforms or police cruisers, Lopez said. It is a place that exports jihadist suicide bombers to Islamic terror groups like al-Shabaab and the Islamic State.
Now is the time to act. Police should use the arrests of the two jihadists as a pretext to go in and clean out the neighborhood, Lopez said."
Read about these Jihadists... who live in an American town under Sharia Law where the police fear to tread and our Constitution doesn't matter.
Why aren't we doing anything about it? Ask the next politically correct liberal you meet.
Politically Correct,
Sharia Law,
Thursday, May 25, 2017
ISIS in Philippines--Duterte declares Martial Law in Mindanao
“Anyone now holding a gun, confronting the government with
violence, my orders are spare no one, let us solve the problems of
Mindanao once and for all," Duterte said Wednesday.
“If I think you should die, you will die. If you fight us, you will die. If there's an open defiance, you will die, and if it means many people dying, so be it. That's how it is,” he added.
ISIS is sneaking closer to our country and operating their mayhem in the Northern hemisphere. At least seven police officers were killed in Marawi by ISIS. President Rodrigo Duterte placed the entire island of Mindanao under martial law for 60 days after battles between government troops and the Maute (ISIS) in Marawi escalated
The Philippines is located in both the northern and eastern hemispheres, and positioned off the southeastern coast of Asia, directly east of Vietnam and northeast of Malaysia. Hawaii is in the Northern Hemisphere.
“If I think you should die, you will die. If you fight us, you will die. If there's an open defiance, you will die, and if it means many people dying, so be it. That's how it is,” he added.
ISIS is sneaking closer to our country and operating their mayhem in the Northern hemisphere. At least seven police officers were killed in Marawi by ISIS. President Rodrigo Duterte placed the entire island of Mindanao under martial law for 60 days after battles between government troops and the Maute (ISIS) in Marawi escalated
The Philippines is located in both the northern and eastern hemispheres, and positioned off the southeastern coast of Asia, directly east of Vietnam and northeast of Malaysia. Hawaii is in the Northern Hemisphere.
Philippines to Hawaii
$1,000,000 Dinner Celebration
The Lake Worth Dollars for Scholars and the Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation celebrated the one million dollar level of awarding scholarships to deserving students at Lake Worth high. There is also the Barry Grunow Fund that awards scholarships to Palm Beach County students who want to pursue education as their profession.
Held at the beautiful Atlantis Country Club, the room was filled with those who have helped contribute towards this million dollar success.
Dr. Annette Gilbert, class of 1975 and now the Guidance Counselor at Lake Worth High and a LWHS Alumni Board member along with her son Brandon, Class of 2001, performed the song, "The Greatest Love of All." The high school chorus gave an outstanding performance as well.
Its founding president Dennis Dorsey spoke, as well as David Cantley, former principal of the school who talked to us about the Dollars for Scholars history. Harold Gilmore, class of 1947, is the president of the LWHS Alumni Foundation and the master of ceremonies for Tuesday night's festivities.
Many there were politicians, past and present from the PB county school board, present commissioners Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell and Commissioner Herman Robinson from Lake Worth, and former commissioners Honey Duncan and Nadine Burns. Elvis Epps, the new principal of Lake Worth High School was also there enjoying the evening as well as Bradley Harper, our newly elected judge in Palm Beach County's 15th Circuit Court, a former recipient of a scholarship.
Bitching about everything Trump - Now it's the Budget
While the whole world is focused on the horrors of Manchester, the liberals prepare for their assault on the President’s budget. Their plan will be to grow every entitlement program at the cost of the military. In this article, Allen West takes us to where the military is right now and then where it should be. You will also understand the tactics of the Democrat party as they buy their votes with your dollars.
What's the Budget priority? More Food Stamps or Vanquishing the Enemy?
Read Allen West's article
Even while the president was on his Mid-East trip building bridges, the news media was focused on bashing him on the firing of James Comey and the fabricated Russian "collusion."
And now just glancing at the headlines of the Palm Beach Post, what is their choice today as the top story? "CBO: 23M lose coverage in newer bill," rather than spotlighting a positive that this budget would reduced spending by $110 billion over 10 years.
We get all these horror stories and essentially the Left, knowing that the status quo is unsustainable (average premiums rose 105% in 2017 for Obamacare) and that we must get to a balanced budget. They won't accept anything less than socialized medicine or Single Payer healthcare with huge premium subsidies to all, even those who are non-citizens, at the expense of our national security.
Study on Obamacare
Trump was elected not to fix what was there, but to repeal and replace healthcare and reduce our spending. Basically, liberals want to bitch about everything Trump.
What's the Budget priority? More Food Stamps or Vanquishing the Enemy?
Read Allen West's article
Even while the president was on his Mid-East trip building bridges, the news media was focused on bashing him on the firing of James Comey and the fabricated Russian "collusion."
And now just glancing at the headlines of the Palm Beach Post, what is their choice today as the top story? "CBO: 23M lose coverage in newer bill," rather than spotlighting a positive that this budget would reduced spending by $110 billion over 10 years.
We get all these horror stories and essentially the Left, knowing that the status quo is unsustainable (average premiums rose 105% in 2017 for Obamacare) and that we must get to a balanced budget. They won't accept anything less than socialized medicine or Single Payer healthcare with huge premium subsidies to all, even those who are non-citizens, at the expense of our national security.
Study on Obamacare
Trump was elected not to fix what was there, but to repeal and replace healthcare and reduce our spending. Basically, liberals want to bitch about everything Trump.
Allen West,
Donald Trump,
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Florida Concealed Weapons Holders database hacked
By: Associated Press
May 23, 2017
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Officials say hackers may have obtained the names of more than 16,000 people who have Florida concealed weapon permits
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced Monday they had discovered a data breach of the online payment system that processes payments for applications and permits.
Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam has ordered a review of the department's cybersecurity measures. State law enforcement is investigating the breach, which authorities suspect originated from overseas.
The agency stated that no financial information was obtained.
The department also warned that the breach may have revealed the social security numbers of 469 customers. The agency plans on offering free credit protection for one year to these individuals.
The Florida Legislature in 2006 passed a law that made the names of concealed weapon permit holders confidential.
Damn, I'd better load this thing.
May 23, 2017
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Officials say hackers may have obtained the names of more than 16,000 people who have Florida concealed weapon permits
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced Monday they had discovered a data breach of the online payment system that processes payments for applications and permits.
Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam has ordered a review of the department's cybersecurity measures. State law enforcement is investigating the breach, which authorities suspect originated from overseas.
The agency stated that no financial information was obtained.
The department also warned that the breach may have revealed the social security numbers of 469 customers. The agency plans on offering free credit protection for one year to these individuals.
The Florida Legislature in 2006 passed a law that made the names of concealed weapon permit holders confidential.
Damn, I'd better load this thing.
Concealed carry,
Cyber Attacks,
Lake Worth Workshop Meeting on the Pool
Click here to View the Power Point Presentation
Total cost including locker room, restrooms and pump house:
- Pool structural deficiencies: None
- Pool finishes: fairly good
- Building condition (locker rooms and restrooms): Fair to good
- Building deficiencies: Roof cover and minor mechanical and plumbing issues
- Pump House deficiencies: Replace roof system. interior piping near end of its useful life--needs to be removed and replaced.
Mayor Triolo: That kind of feature (pool) does not have to make money--just needs to be sustainable.
Commissioner Hardy: Parroting resident Peggy Fisher, Hardy asked, "Which information do I trust?" (William Waters or the engineering firm} Why did the city pay Kimley-Horn to do an engineering report if we can't trust them?
Commissioner Amoroso: Says if the pool is opened, we lose $600,00; if closed, we lose $300,000. If it doesn't beak even, you the tax payer is paying for it...needs to be modernized...ask about the penny sales tax to be used for project.
Vice Mayor Maxwell: "This pool has been used as a political pawn; it has been prostituted. in some ways." Concerned about the huge financial loss.
Commissioner Robinson: "Would love to see a family friendly pool--not necessarily in that location--not interested in spending $500,000 and getting the same thing." Last night at the Atlantis Country Club, you told me you wanted to save the pool.
Now who's Ignorant?

~ President Donald Trump
Talking about the recent terrorist who set off a bomb in Manchester, England. The Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, says--
List of terrorist attacks in London
Donald Trump,
Quote of the Day,
Hannity being censored at Fox?
"Fox News host Sean Hannity has been in the hot seat over his coverage of a controversial story many are calling a conspiracy theory--the Seth Rich saga. On his radio show Tuesday he angrily and defiantly said he would press on, despite Fox News executives pulling one of the articles on the story." Read more...
Fox News has been doing a lot of weird stuff lately ever since the Murdoch brothers took over power from Daddy. We had the firing of Roger Ailes. You no longer can tgell a woman that "you look pretty in that dress today." Then came Bill O'Reilly, who, incidentally, was fair and balanced. They have been hiring more and more Alt-Left Democrats. There has been some skuttlbutt about Jesse Watters and now we have them cracking down on Sean Hannity, the top conservative voice of the station.
No one knows if Sean Hannity will be on his show tonight. And most of all, no one knows if Fox is putting the final nail in its coffin.
Fox News has been doing a lot of weird stuff lately ever since the Murdoch brothers took over power from Daddy. We had the firing of Roger Ailes. You no longer can tgell a woman that "you look pretty in that dress today." Then came Bill O'Reilly, who, incidentally, was fair and balanced. They have been hiring more and more Alt-Left Democrats. There has been some skuttlbutt about Jesse Watters and now we have them cracking down on Sean Hannity, the top conservative voice of the station.
No one knows if Sean Hannity will be on his show tonight. And most of all, no one knows if Fox is putting the final nail in its coffin.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Lake Worth Pool 1920
It was directly across from the Atlantic ocean then. Why is this not still the ideal location?
It was crowded and people flocked to our salt water pool at the Lake Worth Casino.
We have attracted swim clubs, even the Navy Seals trained here.
It has offered aerobics and swimming lessons and it has been affordable.
We now have a heated fresh water pool and people love our pool. It's the ideal place to go swim, exercise and relax at our Olympic Pool at the Lake Worth beach.
It was crowded and people flocked to our salt water pool at the Lake Worth Casino.
We have attracted swim clubs, even the Navy Seals trained here.
It has offered aerobics and swimming lessons and it has been affordable.
We now have a heated fresh water pool and people love our pool. It's the ideal place to go swim, exercise and relax at our Olympic Pool at the Lake Worth beach.
Lake Worth Pastor helping Refugees
Pastor Mike Olive of Lake Worth's Common Ground Church has been traveling and doing outreach, finding Common Ground with those in Belgium, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania. He is most concerned about the refugee crisis--Syria has been hit the hardest.
The last I heard he was in Macedonia. He has asked for your help to raise money to buy 20 cell phones ($100 each) to give to refugees to help them find their families. “The need is so great,” Olive said. “It’s a human crisis that needs a human response.”
If you care to help in this worthwhile cause, Click here to donate.
The last I heard he was in Macedonia. He has asked for your help to raise money to buy 20 cell phones ($100 each) to give to refugees to help them find their families. “The need is so great,” Olive said. “It’s a human crisis that needs a human response.”
If you care to help in this worthwhile cause, Click here to donate.
Preserving our south Florida soils, uplands and wetlands

Palm Beach Post
May 22, 2017 Local News
By: Drew Martin
Preserving our South Florida soils, uplands, wetlands
Currently, Southeast Florida continues to destroy many of its remaining open areas for development.
These areas hold native plants, soils and habitat for migratory birds. We continue to focus on growth rather than quality of life. A large amount of the water in our area is ground water.
In order to have clean ground water we need to have open areas where water can reside and percolate into our aquifer. Open areas also provide a place for storm water to accumulate, which helps to prevent flooding. Development plans are failing to protect the open areas. Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) with (planned) golf courses are now permitting the golf courses to be developed thus removing more open space.
The more we remove open space and natural areas the more we reduce aquifer recharge and increase aquifer contamination. An example is Century Village off Okeechobee Boulevard in West Palm Beach. The development was planned with a large golf course. That golf course is now being eliminated. Where will the water that accumulated on this golf course during storms go? Most likely more water will be pumped out into the ocean during heavy rains. This will damage our coral reefs. New scientific models show the reefs off Palm Beach County and northern Broward County are particularly valuable to reducing storm surge damage. How many billions in dollars of property value are put at risk by building on open space.
The Agricultural Reserve in western Palm Beach County is being destroyed by small cuts, by constant changes in development zoning. The loss of open space will negatively impact drinking water and increase the risk of flooding. At the same time, the loss of native trees and shrubs increases the heat of the day. Migratory birds need these open areas to rest between flights.
In Miami-Dade County, an area known as Pineland Rocklands is up for development for a Wal-mart store. Natural areas are what bring people to Florida. They enhance property values and improve the mental health of the residents.
We need to change our priorities and protect the environment first.
Workshop Session tonight
So much for an open and transparent city--Yesterday, this was finally listed on the Lake Worth web site as a workshop meeting with no back-up.. Many people won't know about it and no one will get any back-up on what the engineers have to report on our Olympic Pool. And, traditionally the public can NOT speak at work sessions.
Commission Work Session
Commission Work Session
Tue, May 23, 6pm – 9pm
City of Lake Worth City Hall, 7 N Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth, FL 33460, USA
| |
TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 -- 6:00 PM
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell
A. Presentation by Kimley Horn regarding the condition of the pool
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