Friday, February 24, 2017

Fake News organizations were not invited

[New York Times] Reporters from The Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times and Politico were not allowed to enter the West Wing office of the press secretary, Sean M. Spicer, for the scheduled briefing.

Aides to Mr. Spicer only allowed in reporters from a handpicked group of news organizations that, the White House said, had been previously confirmed.

There are consequences for actions.


Anonymous said...

The government, especially the president, has no right to decide what is and is not legitimate press. Doing so posses an inherent threat to the 1st Amendment.

Lynn Anderson said...

"Legitimate" press is reporting the facts...not leaving out details, taking things out of context or just plain lying.
The president has every right to talk about it and bring it to our attention when the news media is not being responsible in this regard.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Lynn, so many of them lie and slant things and sensationalize everything and constantly can never say one good thing. CNN is so bad about this, I don't even want to watch them anymore. NBC is bad too. I agree, let the WH pick who deserves to come in and write the facts and not all this other personal opinion and attacks like they do. Thanks Lynn for all you do here in LW for us too.

Anonymous said...

Would have loved to read this blog if Obama would have locked out Fox News, NewsMax and the Washington Times...because, after all, the President has the right to determine what is and is not legitimate press, right?

After the 50 or so congressional hearings, you all might have finally stopped hyperventilating...maybe.

But when the Republicans do it, it's okee dokey.

Someday you'll see your hypocrisy. But not today.

Lynn Anderson said...

One thing I can tell you, you will NEVER see your hypocrisy. You liberals have short memories.
Google it and find out that Obama did the same and what's more, he constantly complained about Fox News, over and over again.
He blasted coverage of himself, Hillary Clinton, Trump, the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, the NSA spying program, the Baltimore riots, the IRS scandal and other topics. Former ABC News White House correspondent Ann Compton told C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb in 2014 that she had been present as Obama went off the record to deliver an angry, profanity-laced diatribe to members of the media about their coverage of his administration. Did reporters get offended and promise to strike back at Obama then? Not that I recall.
Hypocrite my azz.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Remember when Trump called Page 6 at the NY Post and pretended that he was with a marketing firm to get a story published. Talk about fake News. Look it up.

Lynn Anderson said...

Can only hope he didn't invite The New York Post, Susan Mulcahy and her FAKE NEWS.
Who can believe most of this left wing Trump haters Who would want to?