Sunday, February 26, 2017

Earth Justice files suit against Trump's Executive Order

If the progressives don't like something they organize and head for the streets chanting disgusting slogans and waving obnoxious signs. This time it is court. Expect four years of protests, lawsuits and unhappy Democrats being led by two haters, Perez and Ellison.

Earth Justice along with Public Citizen, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, have filed suit to strike down an Executive Order signed by President Donald Trump as an unconstitutional overreach.

Executive Order 1-10-17

Legal Challenge 2-8-17

An America First Energy Plan


Anonymous said...

What ever happened to Ryan hartman with this group? He went off the deep end hating cops.

Anonymous said...

Earth Justice, Public Citizen, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO. It's time that these organizations were investigated and their leadership arrested if warranted under the law. Who finances these organizations? Much like the KKK,these hate groups need to be wiped out.