Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Residences of Lake Osborne oppose Atlanta Braves at John Prince Park

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On the NAPC.org web site, ROLO is described as follows:

"The Residences of Lake Osborne is a voluntary neighborhood association made up of residents in our boundaries.

We were established in 2005 and border the beautiful water front of Lake Osborne and John Prince Park. We consist of attractive homes in a quiet low crime area in the City of Lake Worth and the County of Palm Beach. Our Convenient location to I-95, the Florida Turnpike, Palm Beach State College and John Prince Park affords us the luxury of a quaint neighborhood with caring neighbors that make us unique.

ROLO's Mission is to maintain and improve the quality of life in this neighborhood through the dissemination of information, by providing meetings as forums for discussion and representing the members’ viewpoints to officials at the City of Lake Worth, Palm Beach County and the State of Florida.  We work closely with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of our residents and to maintain low crime statistics.  We are proud to be a member of the NAPC (Neighborhood Association Presidents’ Council) working with other neighborhoods to make our city as a whole a better place to live, work and play."
And as unique as this neighborhood is, not one elected official, other than McVoy and Maier, has stood with us regarding the preservation of our quality of life here and saving this public park from corporate enterprise for the almighty buck. Nor has the Board heard from any other neighborhood association within Lake Worth as they say it is "political," the most political group within the city.  ROLO, you are "hung out to dry." This is about quality of life, neighbors helping neighbors, and should not be about anything else.

And after knowing our concerns, we have never heard from our District 1 Commissioner, Scott Maxwell. Not once has he ever called, e-mailed or reached out to hear our concerns about a billion dollar ballclub wanting to take over 83 acres of county park land. Nor have we heard from Mayor Vana who represents this district who is part of a body of commissioners encouraging the Braves to bring private enterprise to a public park using public money. Poor excuses for elected commissioners.

Today's County Commission Agenda


Anonymous said...

Maxwell and Vana do not want your input. You just don't matter to them. They have their own agenda regardless of what the people say. They only want to hear positive comments. Don't you dare disagree with them. Sorry state of affairs if you ask me. You know this was in the planning before the elections but Scottie didn't want to lose his seat so it was kept hush hush from everyone including the Chris and Ryan. Remember how they said that they did not meet in private. Well here is your proof that they are liars. Still the underhanded group of liars.

Anonymous said...

I would never vote for Vana or maxwell again, ever. Very bad, pay to play politicians. I hope they have to go to jail someday!

Unknown said...

I am against using public money for billionaire owners when we live in the second poorest city in the county..i say give us the money...unfortunately it seems the most people seem to think this makes sense

Anonymous said...

Not a valid argument Mitch. It's not whether to give the money to billionaires or give it to the city. I don't think the city is giving any money to anyone. Just support.

Anonymous said...

The public money Mitch is talking about is the County Commission. We here in Lake Worth do pay county taxes.

Anonymous said...

The roloh mission statement sounds like one person's opinion. A person no one cares to listen to. Told you Maxwell was going to kick all your asses again.