Tuesday, April 5, 2016

No Popcorn and Crackerjacks at John Prince Park

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As seen on Lake Osborne Drive

It's so hard for the little guy to fight city hall. Now, of course, it is a county commission that just has visions of sugar plums. Throw in the Trio commission in Lake Worth plus our crackerjack commissioner Scott Maxwell calling in all his cards with downtown and beach merchants who believe they will prosper and all of the Atlanta Braves money, you have one powerful message--Let's ruin a county park because we believe it is in the best interests of all those taxpayers in the county who will be paying for it.

The Lake Worth city manager has already said in order to fix the potholes everyone will be taxed. The county wants to raise the sales tax by one cent. It can't pay for its infrastructure either.

Sounds like a plan...let's just tax the minions. At least they will be able to see a few spring training games to get their minds off their real problems, if they can afford going to a game.

Can you even imagine that many people here, a stone's throw away from ROLO? Screaming, shouting people trashing up the place.  All our wildlife will flee and there will not be any peace and quiet in the Lake Osborne neighborhood. And once the game is over, these people will be getting back onto I-95 (it might take hours) to get the heck home. The Lake Worth economy will not be affected. Just visualize the congestion, the noise and the pollution, not to mention there will no longer be a sanctuary here for our precious wildlife--just popcorn and crackerjacks.

Atlanta Braves attendance figures at Disney
Year Total Average


Anonymous said...

I was telling Lynn in another post that I received an email from Dave's Last Resort yesterday telling me to attend the County Comm meeting to bring baseball to John Prince Park. I did not like that and told them to unsubscribe me from their emails and I doubted I would be in to their restaurant to eat again. I think it is despiciable that they use their customers VIP emails to email us politics.I just think it is awful that Dave's Last Resort is sending all its VIP card customers an email to attend the County Comm meeting to support baseball in JPP? I told them to unsubscribe me and that I was ashamed of them doing this and that I doubted I would ever eat in their restaurant again, they are really bad, big business that wants this, I wonder how much Dave gave Scott for the campaign? Very sleazy of them. This is what they emailed:

The Atlanta Braves are interested in returning to Palm Beach County and you can help. Attend the county commission meeting Tuesday at 1 pm or write you county commissioner to support their move to John Prince Park."

Anonymous said...

Having everyone pay for potholes and infrastructure makes sense vs. a huge bond.

Lynn Anderson said...

Having a much much smaller bond over a shorter term with accountability makes sense...maybe. There's no other way.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else remember when Scott Maxwell made a bet with then Mayor Rene Varela to see who could lose the most weight?
This is the perfect opportunity for Scotty to set a goal to be able to run the bases like he always wanted to do. So instead of sitting in the stands eating hotdogs and drinking sugary drinks he could be leading those into physical fitness around the fitness trail in JPP.

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that I believe this whole traffic nightmare is going to hurt our businesses ! After shelling out big bucks to park,watch the game ,have a beer and a hot dog, who is going to go into our downtown anyway? Even if they wanted to ,the traffic gridlock is going to be a nightmare.And don't even think about ambulances and emergency vehicles trying to get to the hospital! I will never eat at Dave's or Bennys on the beach again. The food at Bennys is way expensive and over rated anyway !

Anonymous said...

Only if every property has to pay bond. Probably wouldn't work, so collecting via utilities is the next best solution. Everyone uses our roads, everyone should pay.

Lynn Anderson said...

We went round and round the last time on this issue. 10:46...it won't work. Next, they can't do it on a revenue bond as you are suggesting. Glen Torcivia has already made an opinion on that.
My roads are private where I live and I don't drive on many roads in this city that are city owned.

Anonymous said...

Hard as it is for you and katie to understand this it's not only about roloh.

Lynn Anderson said...

You are right. It is not all about this neighborhood and the one south of us. It's not about the Lantana Airport or JFK Hospital. We are all just "victims" of corporate and political greed.

But it IS about John Prince Park, a public park paid for and used by county residents and the simple fact that no private enterprise should be allowed here to make big bucks off of public land.

Perhaps you can understand that.

Anonymous said...

But there are private companies based at the county airport at John Prince Park... Mechanics, flight training, charter services!

All are profit motivated and operate on public land. Hmmm... What say you to this fact.

Lynn Anderson said...

The Lantana Airport is on the western side of Lake Osborne and the U.S. government built it. And your point?

The airport is not a county PARK; it is an airport.

Anonymous said...

You're so obtuse you at 1:39 probably believe that the college is part of John Prince Park.