Thursday, April 7, 2016

Lake Worth's Lobbyist, Richard Pinsky

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Richard Pinsky, our lobbyist in Tallahassee, was at the County Commission meeting on Tuesday sitting in the back row. He is considered a "super lobbyist" and one of his specialties--development project approvals before local governments. He is also the former husband of Kimberly Mitchell who was a West Palm Beach commissioner for 13 years.

When I kiddingly asked him if he was lobbying for the Atlanta Braves now, he said "no." I should have asked if he was lobbying for the City of Lake Worth.

He also attended our city commission meeting Tuesday night where resolution No. 18-2016, supporting the Atlanta Braves location in John Prince Park was passed on a 3/1 vote, McVoy dissenting. Commissioner Ryan Maier was out sick.

Mr. Pinsky's contract with the city dated September 24, 2014 had a term ending May 31, 2015 and was extended by City Manager Bornstein on July 6, 2015. The extension letter did not have an ending term. Originally it was a one year contract so I guess we can assume that this has been extended to May 31, 2016? Total compensation is not to exceed $25,000 per year.


Anonymous said...

Another pay to play deal. Pay a lobbyist to promote the Atlanta Braves at John Prince Park. Most of the people in Lake Worth cannot afford to pay people to lobby for us so we are screwed on important issues.

Anonymous said...

He sounds like a real slimebag! I hate lobbyist, that is the problem today in our government. Big business and lobbyist are controlling all and the politicians.No one supports the will of the people anymore. This is all pay to play and I say vote the trio out and don't vote for that vana b ever again. We know they cannot be trust.

Lynn Anderson said...

We tried to vote the Trio out but big money, big lies and big connections far outweighed our ability to do so.