Thursday, April 7, 2016

Alex Larson, the People's Hero

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Alex Larson Activist, Environmentalist
 and one heck of a woman.

Prior to Tuesday's county commission meeting, I told Alex Larson that she was my hero. She is the type of activist that is effective.  No screaming with Alex.  No lying down on roads blocking traffic.  Always polite and respectful with oodles of integrity. She speaks clearly and concisely and gets her points across.

Whenever Palm Beach County commissioners sit around on that dais, salivating over a possible profit that goes against the best interests of the people or the environment, you will hear Alex Larson speak. She will tell them in no uncertain terms that what they are considering is flat wrong such as wanting to import garbage from some other county, standing up for Fane Lozman's right to speak on his houseboat or speak to red light cameras. The subjects are vast and she knows her stuff. She holds the county commission's feet to the fire.

On Tuesday, she spoke against the county even considering bringing the Atlanta Braves to John Prince Park.


Weetha Peebull said...

...she's an angel...

Anonymous said...

To the TRIO, I would pick her any day to voice our concerns over an overpaid Lobbyist who only does what the money tells him to do.

Anonymous said...

We need more like that. Might make for some honest government--