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I speak before you today because I feel energized by this new America
that is being born in front of our eyes ... Socialism is coming to
America, and its name is Bernie Sanders, the new face of Socialism. We have seen how Obama has brought universal health care to America, and now we have this presidential candidate, this Bernie Sanders, who in some way reminds me of my late friend Hugo Chavez in his will to bring Socialism to the American people."
Fidel Castro
Said in a four hour speech in October to thousands of people in this
Marxist–Leninist one-party republic. This crap started with Obama and the Democratic Party, a party that is socialistic today, catering to the "entitlement" generation.
Vote Republican!
We've got our own socialist/commies here... Fellow Travelers Community Action Group - they wave Marxist manifestos and hold
posters of Lenin, as in the Soviet leader...
Gee, I wonder who they support?
Well, who are you talking about? Why not post under your name...stand up instead of spouting crap in the shadows. But that's what cockroaches do. :)
I'm talking about those fellas that showed up at the commission meeting in January and again on February 2. I believe they were in their little green military suits from the army/navy store with names like commander, minister of information, and minister of defense, blah blah blah. Thy looked totally stupid, like some para-military group waving the little red book.
Looking like, but certainly nothing like the well oiled, highly trained and well financed Alpha 66, exiled Cuban group most active back In the 1960's and 1970's in Miami who wanted to overthrow Fidel... Instead these new 'Travelers' don't even have the balls the Cuban exiles had and have. And that's really good, because the Alpha 66 group was linked to a spate of bombings and assassinations in Miami during the '70's directing their anger at pro-Castro speakers. So Mr Minister of Defense should watch his backside...
These newbies are playing dress up and even the very, very old Cubans exiles could easily erase them as Alpha 66 continues to be an organized entity.
I'm surprised Lynn, you should remember, you were there... Heck, they even have your blog posted on their Facebook page on Feb 12, you obviously have a wide fan base...
Under their Facebook page, under the 'about' section, you could read their short description… "We are a group of generalized leftist and anti-capitalist operating in Palm Beach County. We are inclusive of all revolutionary leftists."
Their 'Mission' is " Community organizing pending the violent overthrow of global capital, revolutionary education. Educate, agitate, organize!"
You really should check them out
Steve Ellman wrote on Feb 3, "many thanks. We'll be there, Comrade. We'll try to coordinate action with you. Keep in touch!"
They also repeat the mantra of "all cops are bastards."
Yeah, I was there and saw them in action. Everyone is entitled to free speech no matter how bizarre or outrageous it all is. That was the evening when someone from the ACLU was there as well regarding the Homeless and this Trio criminalizing them in Lake Worth.
If Mayor Triolo and her majority didn't do so many IDIOTIC things, like making the central plaza in our town a "Park" and threatening to arrest anyone walking across it at night there would not be an opening a mile wide for these radicals. The fact is, the local radicals make WAY MORE SENSE on local issues than the BOUGHT AND PAID FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS who are SERVING THEIR DEVELOPER MASTERS AND NOT THE PEOPLE!!!
The fact remains, since the Cultural Plaza was designated a park and hours of operation instituted, there has been a marked decrease in drug trafficking and loitering of the druggie backpack crowd. The ordinance has nothing to do with 'criminalizing' the homeless - just the opposite, and the truly homeless that we all have known for years are grateful because they were the ones being preyed upon by the drug seekers who mugged them for what meager possessions the homeless have just to sell their ill gotten goods to fund their next high.
So Lynn, are really gonna give your conservative Republican card and now claim yourself a reformed socialist or better yet communist?
Inquiring minds want to know how the republican party feels about you financing leftist candidates preaching cop hatred.
It's all a matter of public record...
How does it feel to be outed?
Heck, I'm gonna call the PBC Republican chair tomorrow and light a fire under his ass to reveal your true colors... They run Soviet red, certainly not red, white and blue.
Outed for what?
I support the person. I will be supporting Patrick Murphy over Alan Grayson as an example for the obvious reasons...can't stand Alan.
I am supporting the idea of a new dais. Realizing how difficult that will be, my support, unlike all these special interests, developers, Realtors, punks and big wigs that your side has in their hip pockets, the opposition has little I do what I can as a blogger.
As you know, the Trio has voted against everything I voted for and was adamant about: heights charter Amendment, General Obligation bond, John Prince Park becoming a national stadium for private enterprise, ignoring the solutions for the Homeless but instead kicking them off public property, pouring $15-20 million into the Park of commerce of our money for developers. And now the stupid idea of going back to the 26.4kv that will bankrupt the city. The list goes on and on.
So, why would I support anyone on this dais? I would have to be out of my mind. Which I'm not.
What I don't like is the 'hiel hitler' cat calls and salutes these fringe people hurl towards people at the commission meeting and yell while driving down the streets, it's outrageous and hateful speech.
haven't see that...can you get a photo?
This is Tyler Miller, Chairman of the Fellow Travelers Community Action Group.
The source for this Castro quote is really dubious. Castro hates Obama, and he hasn't given a speech to a huge crowd in years due to his failing health. No other media agency, including any Cuban state media, reported on this speech. The article is an outright fabrication.
As for Bernie Sanders, our group's official stance is that he's a useless social democrat. He's not a socialist, he's not going to bring socialism to America; if elected, he'll be another in a long line of bastards to lead this criminal, imperialist state. We oppose him at every turn, and we actively fight the idea that he's a socialist. You can't bring socialism to power from within the capitalist establishment, and especially not from the very top of the ladder. There's no "trickle-down revolution".
I'd like to take this chance, for that concerned Anonymous citizen's sake, to point out that we're an armed organization. We have weapons and we have the willpower, fortitude and organization to defend ourselves from any attacks, whether they be weak criticisms on blog sights or physical engagements.
According to the article, it was in 2015.
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