Monday, July 13, 2015

The March of Concessions - the Bad Deal

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21 months of a marathon roller-coaster--

Saying it is a "good deal and meets our core objectives," Obama will lift sanctions over time.

John Kerry says "it's a good deal."

"The time that it would take for Iran to acquire enough fissile material for one weapon would be increased from 2 to 3 months to at least one year for a duration of 10 years. Iran has also agreed to not build any new facilities for the purpose of enriching uranium for 15 years." Six nations think kicking the can down the road is a good deal?

According to Israel’s reading of the deal, Iran won't have to sneak around to put together a bomb, they will be able to do it in broad daylight. As Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was reported to have said over the weekend, “Twenty-two months of negotiation means we have managed to charm the world, and it’s an art." Source: The Jerusalem Post

In April, Netanyahu said, “A better deal would roll back Iran’s vast nuclear infrastructure, and require Iran to stop its aggression in the region, its terror worldwide and its calls and actions to annihilate the state of Israel. That’s a better deal. It’s achievable.” Today he said, "Even this weekend, when Iran continued to get more and more concessions at the negotiating table, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani led a march through the streets of Tehran in which the masses yelled, 'Death to America, Death to Israel.'"

Obama screwed Israel and he screwed the world. Maybe he wants another Nobel Peace prize. Congress has 60 days to assess the deal but Obama said that he would veto any legislation from Congress that would derail the deal. Iran wants to develop an international ballistic missile that would hit the United States. Everyone knows that but Obama.


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it's time to stock up the bomb shelter, thanks Lynn for this valuable public service announcement. The more of us that are prepared the better our chances of survival

Lynn Anderson said...

Actually, you do need to watch your back. Obama just let out 46 drug dealers/users onto our streets. How do they feed their habit? Maybe you'll be their first target.
But aside from the many awful decisions he has made, the Iranian nuke one is atrocious. A country that has vowed to bring us down, who hates America and wants to annihilate Israel...and we're making a bad deal with them so that they can make the bomb anyway?
Hey, stop making ridiculous snarky posts past need some sleep...a long sleep. :)

Anonymous said...

What tune are you going to sing when the Republican held Senate passes the Iranian deal?

Lynn Anderson said...

Anything can happen. It's got to pass the House first. Why do you ask? Do you think it's a good thing to be in bed with the enemy, people who hate us and want to destroy us with nuclear?

Anonymous said...

The 46 prisoners had their sentence commutated - that does not erase their criminal conviction only reduces their sentence.

These prisoners were slapped with long sentences mandated under guidelines set during a drug-and-crime wave in the 1980's.

Under current sentencing guidelines most of those prisoners would have already finished serving time. Most of these commuted sentences will now end in November, then have a several month transition that allows for arrangements to be made in halfway homes and other facilities.

After they're released, the former prisoners will be supervised by probation officers and subject to conditions that were set during their original sentencing, which in some cases includes drug testing.

These are the very few people who have demonstrated the potential to turn their lives around. I'm with republican Senator Rand Paul, the libertarian minded presidential candidate, and David and Charles Koch, the Palm Beach industrialist brothers who continue to spend millions and millions on conservative causes and who call for changes to the criminal justice system that would reduce overcrowding in prisons and create a system where more sentences better match the crimes they were meant to punish.

With the privatization of our prison systems, corporations keep getting richer and richer off of our tax dollars, so keeping nonviolent, minor criminals in jail for way too long makes no sense, costs way to much and destroys families.

If you're worried about them all coming to our neck of the woods, perhaps you should put your energy into regulation and ordinances to control halfway houses and sober house in Lake Worth.

Meanwhile, I will continue my vigilance, be aware of my surroundings and always be ready to stand my ground.

Lynn Anderson said...

I'm not the least bit worried that they might come to my neck of the woods. We have so much crime here that 46 more druggies working our streets wouldn't make much of a difference. Some of their sentences were very stiff but some court somewhere didn't think so. We don't know the circumstances that earned them these long sentences...could have been the three strike law where they committed two other felonies...and we can only trust Obama??