Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sanctuary City

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As once again there is a lot of talk about Sanctuary Cities because San Francisco was where the illegal alien murderer lived who shot 32 year old Kathryn Steinle to death just for the heck of it. Francisco Sanchez was charged with murder, an illegal who had been deported on five occasions and has seven felony convictions -- four involving narcotics charges. He kept coming back to San Francisco, because it is a sanctuary city he said. There are 33 cities in California that are Sanctuary cities.

Sanctuary cities began in California, the most liberal state in the country, in order to prevent police from inquiring about the immigration status of those arrested. As far as I'm concerned, illegals have zero rights in this country.  Congress is to blame for this murder in San Francisco and so is Obama. Listen to Trump--build the dang wall and seal the border.

Sanctuary City List
  • DeLeon Springs, FL
  • Deltona, FL
  • Jupiter, FL  (Added 4-13-09. Previously on watch list.)
  • Lake Worth, FL  (Added 4-13-09.)
  • Miami, FL
And did we ever consider that the amount of crime we have here might be because of our Sanctuary City status. Under pressure from civil rights groups threatening to sue, last year the PBSO decided to no longer hold inmates for ICE without a Judge's order. They don't call ICE on anything and more and more illegal aliens move to Lake Worth.

Why are we a Sanctuary City?  Do we want to be one?  I thought this would end once we got rid of the Mentoring Center. What qualifies our city to still be named one? Is it because we encourage illegal immigration? Do we get any federal funding for being a sanctuary city?  If PBSO no longer holds people for ICE, then is every city under PBSO a sanctuary city or only Jupiter that has El Sol, a labor center for illegals and Lake Worth that no longer has a labor center? Wikipedia says that  sanctuary city "practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto)."  So what exactly qualifies Lake Worth to still be a sanctuary city? Why are we on this list?  Is it politicians asleep at the wheel?

As we no longer have a labor center, what still attracts these illegals to Lake Worth? It must be all the affordable housing. Immigrants are still being picked up on Lake Avenue for day labor and few speak English and those who do, don't seem to want to speak our language. Nearly 40% of our population is Hispanic with language other than English spoken at home at 52.9%.  QuickFacts Census


Anonymous said...

Right. All the developer crowd believe that development everywhere will solve our problems. Why would anyone want to invest here? Nearly half of the population is illegals from Mexico and all areas south. Occasionally we get an American citizen who buys here and always on the east side of town away from the crime.

Anonymous said...

West of Dixie seems like a different country.

Anonymous said...

Who was on the commission when Lake Worth was made a sanctuary city? Who was the city manager?

Clean House said...

Criminals should be prosecuted; I do not care where the hell they are from. How about making our city a sanctuary for decent, law abiding and respectful residents? Do not whine about the condition of the city; enforce the federal and city laws.

Anonymous said...

They are here and will continue to come because of the cheap housing and a sense of community - their own. Don't you get it!

Get more businesses and jobs here that check I-9 status and insure proper worker eligibility.

Lynn Anderson said...

That's true--it is a "sense of community, their own." They are telling all their friends and relatives, wow, this is a groovy place. We can live in peace, ICE never bothers us, we can speak Spanish and NEVER have to assimilate in any way. We can have 20 people to a room as code has its hands full. The government evens prints stuff in Spanish just for our convenience at no cost to us...just the stupid citizens who pay for it all. Corporations open up Spanish grocery stores and hire all of us illegals. We are allowed to speak Spanish all darn day. What a great place.
Employers need to use E-Verify along with the I-9 that they don't seem to be using.

Lynn Anderson said...

10:33...I believe Paul Boyer was the city manager. Cara Jennings, Jo-Ann Golden and Jeff Clemens voted it in. Jeff was really pushing for the Mentoring Center. After Stanton was hired, she closed down the Mentoring Center.

Anonymous said...

Citizens should have a say on sanctuary cities, we need more law and order not this drain and chaos, where are our rights? Sold for more democratic votes. All those responsible for the tragedy in SF have blood on their hands for letting that scumbag skate. May they rot.

Anonymous said...

Lynn -- Lake Worth residents need to call ICE. The number is on their website. Call and report employers who are employing illegals. We need to be doing this every day! And who can we elect to office who will reverse the sanctuary city thing? Who will do this? I'm guessing not your buddy Ryan Maier...or McVoy.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I step over a dirty diaper tossed in a parking lot I can thank Cara Jennings.

Lynn Anderson said...

As previously stated, there were three commissioners who voted on the day labor center. One is now a senator for the State of Florida, Jeff Clemens.
Look, this is the federal government's problem to solve. Obviously Obama doesn't want to do that. Let's end sanctuary cities.

Anonymous said...

Who was on the commission when Lake Worth was made a sanctuary city? Who was the city manager?

Who has been on the Commission for the past four years? Who has been the city manager?

Scott Maxwell (not his real name) Pam Triolo (not her real name) and Andy Amoroso (not his real name) . City manager has been Mike (I hate the citizens ) Bornstein.