Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Quote of the Day - Allen West - Nero fiddled while Rome burned

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Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. He has proposed a 90 percent income tax on “top earners.” When Senator Obama was running for the presidency in 2008 he claimed it better when we “spread the wealth around.” Of course these two astute gents are referring to the top one percent who are currently paying nearly 40 percent of overall income taxes in the United States. The estimate is that the top 10 percent of wage earners in America pay nearly 70 percent of all income taxes while there is almost 50 percent who only pay 3 percent — many receiving refunds.

This is set amid the backdrop of what is happening in Greece. There the left wing government of young Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has just defaulted on a 1.6 billion Euro (approximately $1.66 billion) loan from the International Monetary Fund. And on Sunday, based upon PM Tsipras’ encouragement, Greece voted no to any austerity measures to assist in regaining its economic stability. This is the dream world of progressive socialist economics in that we can spend all the money we want in order to promise everything to everyone and someone else is responsible for the supplying of the monetary resources to bring the pipe dreams to fruition.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. The Greeks cheered Sunday. And President Obama sings Amazing Grace.

~ Allen West

Read the rest of the brilliant article by Allen West at

The Impending Consequences of Liberal Progressive Socialist Economics


Anonymous said...

Very well said and right on point. Unfortunately, as much as I hope I am wrong, I think it's too late. The liberal/"progressive"/socialistic/give me everything free and I give nothing in return mentality has pretty much taken over Europe and the US, so those of us who believe(d) in the American Dream of hard work will be rewarded are quickly either becoming extinct or forced into hiding. I hope I'm able to find John Galt and don't get left behind in a country with a president named Hillary. It's been very sad to watch.

Lynn Anderson said...

Love your John Galt comment. Haven't thought about that in years.

Anonymous said...

You over simplified it a little. Greece has no industry save tourism and shipping. Nothing to offer the EU. It has already cut pensions in half and reduced the government payroll a bunch. Most likely the lower paid workers, the ox grinding the grain.

They have no way to pay back money and no desire to.