Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lake Worth and Social Media

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For propaganda purposes, Lake Worth is all excited about its recent Twitter account and its pending Facebook page that will be on-line in October.

October 1 is the start of the new fiscal year for the city and it will be just in time for the elections that come up in March. The city has spent time and resources researching what is appropriate content for Twitter. Delores Key, the economic development manager will oversee the city's social media. This is for a city that barely allows you to speak during public commentary and where certain commissioners look at you with disdain. Ms. Key is the one who started the N word controversy and her boss ran with it and she wants the social media pages to put out "factual information" as it is not a blog she says.

The city administration firmly believes that one blogger and several residents who comment on Facebook don't give the city a fair shot or image. I would also assume that they are scared to death that the Lake Worth Tribune might start up again. They plan on reversing what they consider "negative" comments (they don't want another John Szerdi bomb) and the city plans on becoming politically involved to keep the tide constant and the "visionaries" intact as they come up for re-election in March. We are sure to hear about all the wonderful achievements by this commission.

I seldom Twitter. I do check into Facebook during the week but find it frustrating with all the nonsense. Now mind you, this is a city that keeps all of us in the dark and never gives a manager's report and even goes so far as to hold secret meetings on leasing off part of our beach property to a private developer.

The city is counting on all their political friends who are addicted to social media to help them out by putting a positive spin on anything and everything, even taxing you for 34 years. We can figure out the city's intent here but it very well may back-fire, unless it can control the flow of free speech.

That's my opinion and I'm "stickin to it."


Anonymous said...

The next election will be about credibility. The statements that the elected officials are giving to the public and the actual numbers will not match such as the number of people that could be hired at the POC. In regards to not raising taxes every year and that they have lowered the sheriff's budget every year, secret meetings, wine and dine clubs, etc. will be addressed by those who do know what's going on to the extent that they uncover. Credibility will be the next election issue.

Anonymous said...

The city mgr will be off the hook to give a city manager's report, something he has never done, and lay the responsibility on Delores Key. She will run it by him to edit and approve. One less thing he will have to ever do as he throws everything off on staff. He has taken a lot of criticism from the public on his lack of transparency.

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are saying, but at least they are honest about their purpose. Obviously those who are on the commission have the goal of being re-elected, that's no secret. But what do you say about the tribune who magically opens up just before each election and then closes down just after, claiming to be a non-biased media source, but is so clearly there for the sole purpose of influencing the election? I mean that's just offensive in my opinion. At least I know everything the candidates say is just about getting elected, but to pretend you are a newspaper when you are just playing politics is just Un-American if you ask me and simply dishonest. All those claims about Szerdi and Hudson, secret plans to steal the beach, bribes, illegal compensation, etc... I haven't seen any investigations by the IG or any proof or even a single complaint now that he lost the election. So if all that were true, why aren't any of them being charged? Well, I'd have to say because it wasn't true at all, just bold faced lies used to influence an election under the guise of a friendly neighborhood newspaper. Personally I'm offended that someone would come here and start a newspaper just to convince who to vote for and yeah, it worked, which is even worse. But you can bet I won't believe one word that sociopath writes next time. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me

Lynn Anderson said...

They are HONEST? About their PURPOSE?

Now you make scurrilous charges against the Lake Worth Tribune--unfounded and based on your own imagination and even calling her a sociopath? This paper was started by a journalist who had a hard time making it due to several factors--1) a commissioner who promoted the idea of picking up her papers and throwing them in the garbage 2) another blogger who came after her doing the same thing and vilifying her ever chance he got. He also does this to any media with whom he disagrees. 3) a local paper that made snide remarks that was jealous of the Tribune's popularity.

It takes a lot of money to operate a newspaper today, as everyone knows. In this city, it is close to impossible for anyone new entering the print business especially when they are reporting the truth.

Hope it comes back.

Weetha Peebull said...

Anon 9:31
We get similar 'flyers' with lies from the candidates.
What wasn't true that the Tribune wrote? I listened
to the ITN (beach takeover) audio and I heard for
myself what the 'employees & reps' said in private
ABOUT THE ELECTION! The Tribune reported it correctly.
What is offensive to me is a useless IG & ETHICS! I knew
a lawyer who watched as the ethics ordinance was written
and he called it a "How To Get Away With..." law! We have
more teeth in our city code than the county (joke) ethics
would EVER BE ALLOWED to have! And the 'Free Press' like
the Palm Beach Post ENDORSING CANDIDATES makes another joke
about just reporting the your eyes and address
the 3 sociopaths on the dais before you waste your time on
a small local paper, no? Even at the last meeting some repas
who read the backup suggested there was spot zoning (Illegal)
and it was admitted by an employee using Hudson Holdings name!

What the heck would it take to convince you otherwise if these
facts mean nothing to you, didn't hear it or plain don't get it?

I fear people like you that have opinions (talking points) repeated
over and over again as if that will make it true while others try
to lead you to the facts in Public Record and you still don't 'get it'!

Anonymous said...

Shoot the messenger. Because it's all you can do! I'm going to take the gloves off for a minute, because I have had it with the lies. You little piece of crap. You don't know anything about me, or my newspaper. You hate the Lake Worth Tribune because I told the truth every week and warned readers of your dirty plan to give away our public beach to a private developer. I got it right. I told the truth. And this is what you hate.
Opened for the election? I opened in January, at the start of tourist season, you idiot, when everybody is here and when advertisers would likely want to advertise, and have money to do it.
Lake Worth has an election every year, and sometimes twice a year. Throw a stone onto a desk calendar and you're likely to be within 100 days of an election.
Looking back, I realize I opened at the perfect time. The perfect time to be able to warn people what was being planned for our oceanfront beach -- a Convention Center, Private Beach Club, and the Destruction of our Municipal Pool!
The Tribune isn't done yet. In fact, every time I read something like the above, my determination to bring it back redoubles. So keep it up, buddy. The more comments like the above that I happen to see online, the bigger the Tribune is going to get. How about a daily paper? This town could certainly support it. And residents would love it. I'll pummel you with the truth every day. Every single day. So keep it up.

Margaret Menge
Editor and Publisher

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO MARGARET !!! A commissioner walked business to business and threatened them.If they advertised in the Tribune,they would find code on their doorstep the next day.What a bunch of PUSSIES !!! If I were a business owner , I would have taken the above commissioner by his shriveled little balls and hauled him in front of the public at a Commission meeting. I would have called the press and exposed the lying little prick and the code dept that let itself be used as a weapon..But ,again, our downtown businesses are a bunch of cowardly PUSSIES !!!! I used to support our downtown businesses. Now I don't give a crap about any of them.
And to my knowledge, the Tribune has not started BEFORE EVERY ELECTION!!! It started ONCE! and thank God it did. Maybe if tools like Marshall Pass had not stolen the papers, the Tribune would have had a fair chance.
William Waters and Commissioner Andy Amoroso (not his real name ,by the way ) are caught ON TAPE trying to influence an election . WHY ARE THEY NOT IN JAIL ?????
Margaret, I have a way for your newspaper to succeed. I'll be calling you .
And it will prevent lying pricks like staff and the majority Commission and their tools like Chucky Blackman and Marshall Pass from stealing the paper.

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!!! lol. Way to let 'em have it, Margaret. You are absolutely correct! Too bad you weren't able to bring some truth-telling to the trumped up contrived bullshit that Ryan Maier has been accused of. I hear that the commission is still meeting behind closed doors on a regular basis. These people are so arrogant that even after Zurdi was kicked to the curb for his "ethics when it suits me" behavior, they are still doing it. Think that crappy Herald gives a damn about ethical behavior? Guess not. Would love to have a paper worth reading, even if I don't agree. But I can't stomach the Herald's 5th grade perspective and 3rd grade writing skills.

Anonymous said...

A clean sweep of City Hall is imminent as most Lake Worth Citizens are conscientious, care for their Town, aware of its' potential. Once the trash has been swept away, we can start making the City one with surpluses,like the professional real City Manager,no racist, Wendy Neumeyer!

Lynn Anderson said...

To the phony who came on here at 1:15am...I'm not posting your BS because I am assuming that it was way past your bedtime and you were probably not playing with a full deck, maybe even on the sauce. However, all you hateful people are always dreaming up fantasy dirt. You want to get some "old timers" into the political controversy involving a former mayor? People bordering on dementia who think nothing about flying illegal banners, campaign contributions from convicted felons, approving of secret meetings and a dumb bird---those sorts of people?

Bring them on.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for more communication between the City and residents. What will be interesting is whether the City deletes questions, inquiries, criticisms on the City FB page or whether the City staff can be responsible and mature and take what is said and be responsive. I expect that there will be a lot of complaints posted on the FB page and it will be interesting to see how the City responds (or not). For many residents complaints to City hall seem to go into a black hole, so what will happen when those complaints are publicly posted and the City can't really ignore them?