Sunday, July 5, 2015

Great American "Rif Raft" Race

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Sponsored by the NAPC, this was a great parade and raft race...probably the best one to date! It was, however, the hotest day for an Independence Day in my recent memory due to the heat factor caused by the early morning rain. They say it reached 98^ but it felt like 120^. The paramedics even arrived at the scene with a stretcher...someone passed out. All those who signed up to be dunked, enjoyed the relief when they landed in the water tank. The person who looked like she was having the most fun? Karrie Casper--great dancing! All the rafts were wonderful but my personal favorite for creativity was Boating for Dummies and next was the City of Lake Worth's Grapes of Raft. Besides the clever name, the boat was artistically designed as well as the costumes. And it didn't sink this year!


Anonymous said...

I agree, it was FAB. I missed Robert getting dunked but the expression on his face is priceless.

Anonymous said...

This is great event in the city and for Palm Beach county. I think Lynn is right, it's the most fun you an have on the 4th, and it's all free! We loved the parade, interesting. Watercraft designs, inventive costumes and everyone getting into the holiday.

Thanks to city staff for making this annual event happen, I agree it was the best one yet! And while everyone is focused on the raft race itself, a big thank you to Commissioner Amoros for adding to the festivities with more vendors in Bryant Park - our family was able to spend hours down there enjoying the race and getting some good food truck treats and ice cold lemonade. This is what our small seaside city should be proud of and do more of. It's family fun, unifies us as a city, elevates our stature in the region as a cool destination, showcases our neighborhoods and highlights our wonderful waterfront assets.

Anonymous said...

It was a freaking hot day. While I was over at the dunking booth, water hit the back of my left leg. I thought a dog had peed on it. What a fantastic hoot the entire day was. I only lasted a few hours but they were really worth sweating for. I didn't see Andy or Ryan. They must have been working.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lynn for being there. I was still sick and the heat would have killed me ! Thanks again for letting us know how it was. Katie

Anonymous said...

Thank you Andy Amoroso for running the festivities in the park yesterday and to city staff that volunteered their time to a great event. Was also good to see McVoy and his lovely girlfriend enjoying the music!

Anonymous said...

this is beginning to sound like an Amoroso re-election campaign ad.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:40 pm... not on Lynns blog surely!

Anonymous said...

Oh so Andy allowed the convicted felon to be a vendor at our 4th event?

Anonymous said...

Who would that be?

Anonymous said...

Juans event person was in charge of vendors

Anonymous said...

This is always a wonderful event, glad it wasn't rained out. But it sure was hot.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, it's really Juan who is the city staff person who processes vendor applications for this event... Andy just helps rally more businesses to join in the festivities.

As far as the convicted Kava felon is concerned… at least his Business/businesses participate and sponsor nearly all of the Lake Worth events.

As much as I dislike having them and their types around, they at least show their community support.

Lynn Anderson said...

Criminals always know how to "play" the game. Money and community support are two different animals, I think. they don't necessarily jive.

Anonymous said...

Why are we sucking up to convicted felons anyway? Why does Andy? why does the city. pretty sick.

Anonymous said...

Can someone be very specific with details and exactly how anyone is sucking up to convicted felons? I'm not seeing it. But I want the exact details so I can form an opinion. Thank you.