Friday, July 10, 2015

FAA: PBIA navigational coordinates no longer to honor Trump

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The Obama government is the culprit.  Now, a Republican candidate for President of the United States is not allowed to have free speech in this country. He spoke the truth about our borders and Mexican criminals.  This latest action by our government makes me like Trump even more. 

Three navigation points above the skies of Palm Beach County will no longer be named in honor of Donald Trump, the Federal Aviation Administration said Thursday. They will be renaming them to take effect in about three months.

Trump said, “‘Making America Great Again’ is far more important to me than an honor I never knew I had ... meaning a blip on the radar.”

Read more... at ABC News.


Anonymous said...

That's why public places/streets/bridges should be named after dead people, not the 'social media queen' of the moment.

Trump is dumb when he disrespects and alienates Hispanics, he's splitting the GOP. Marco should steer away form this media whore, or he'll flame out along with the Donald. So much drama! Can't wait for the next season of his show - which is the real reason his hair is in the ring.

Besides doesn't Air Force One have a restriction on flammable flyaway products on board like that stupid hairdo?

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, I would think that even Hispanics would agree that our country is allowing criminals into it...repeat ones at that who murder and rape and who cost the American citizen small fortunes to incarcerate, house, etc. Now if Trump is alienating Hispanics (you seem to be speaking for the entire population of Hispanics) for speaking the truth, than perhaps Hispanics should reconsider their priorities here. Even they want to live in a safe country.

Anonymous said...

PBIA shouldn't name anything after Trump b/c he keeps suing PBIA for the airtraffic patterns. He doesn't want planes, including his own big one, flying over his Palm Beach property, instead he wants to send the air traffic further south right towards us.